Ani was kind enough to provide me with an excellent post Turkey Day meme cop-out post.
7 Random or Weird Things About Me (I ditched the rules because I don't like rules)
1. I chew way more gum than is probably good for me … I average one of those Eclipse big packs (60 pieces I think) every week and a half or so
2. Though my sister and I don't look much alike, we are only about 23 months apart and were sometimes mistaken for twins when we were younger (once even identical twins, but the person who said this was a few crayons short of a box)
3. I love to cook new things so much that Matt has to make specific requests to have something we've cooked before a second time. I think I mildy drive him nuts with this, actually.
4. I am mildly obsessed with Bento Lunch Boxes and several other aspects of Japanese culture … honestly I would love to take a trip there just to take photos of their vending machines (and do Hello Kitty karaoke of course)
5. I sometimes speak German in my sleep (ask Matt)
6. I think Zach Braff is a hottie
7. I almost never pass up a nap