
Ani was kind enough to provide me with an excellent post Turkey Day meme cop-out post.

7 Random or Weird Things About Me (I ditched the rules because I don't like rules)
1. I chew way more gum than is probably good for me … I average one of those Eclipse big packs (60 pieces I think) every week and a half or so
2. Though my sister and I don't look much alike, we are only about 23 months apart and were sometimes mistaken for twins when we were younger (once even identical twins, but the person who said this was a few crayons short of a box)
3. I love to cook new things so much that Matt has to make specific requests to have something we've cooked before a second time. I think I mildy drive him nuts with this, actually.
4. I am mildly obsessed with Bento Lunch Boxes and several other aspects of Japanese culture … honestly I would love to take a trip there just to take photos of their vending machines (and do Hello Kitty karaoke of course)
5. I sometimes speak German in my sleep (ask Matt)
6. I think Zach Braff is a hottie
7. I almost never pass up a nap

On My Way To Work

This is going to be one of those posts that blog critics cite when declaring that blogs are stupid and pointless and y'know what? I'm OK with that. And BTW, I'm having soup for lunch.

I had a nice *long* snowy drive this morning to think. Here's what was rattling around my grey matter that I thought I needed to share:
* snowy days are almost the only day that everyone drives the speed limit – perhaps that's what they really mean
* we sing Tabby a song to the tune of Barbie Girl (by Aqua) called Binky Girl. Perhaps if you beg nicely, I'll post the lyrics sometime.
* I feel oddly compelled to run the Turkey Trot tomorrow, so I think perhaps we will
* I really like snow in the abstract, but I am not fond of driving in it, shoveling it, wading through it, or otherwise dealing with it … unless the dealing is something fun like skiing or sledding
* I wonder how many calories a day of skiing burns? (PS, this site says a 150 lb person would burn 4700 calories in 8 hours of skiing)
* the touch pad on my MP3 player is really unresponsive to gloved hands
* we have mice in the garage and despite traps and cheese and some sonic thing to drive them away, they remain … Matt's threatening use of the Shop Vac on them (eew)
* I have soooo much to do over the weekend, and the brain is off into “to-do list” territory Continue reading “On My Way To Work”


a post about the cool stuff that I've seen in the not too distant past. I've been collecting it, but haven't had time to put it all together. I've got a few right now. Here's what I've come up with …

You can hardly help but lurve Chow's Neo Slacker Thanksgiving. The faux Rockwell is priceless and the recipes sound delicious … and not so much your typical Thanksgiving fair. The overall site is pretty darn neat as well. It may have to become a daily read.

Gross as it is, we have that musty towel smell in our house. Here's the way to get rid of it! I knew you had to use vinegar … I just didn't know how.

My neurotic Martha side (the one that nags me to pick stuff up before bed and wags a finger at me when I use canned … anything) cannot help but love Organized Home. Their printable forms section just about makes her faint from giddiness. Yea, a favorite for sure. Just wish they'd do a site re-design.

Speaking of nerdy home organization stuff, I recently ran across (maybe even off a link from Organized Home) these freezer cooking printable labels. I love their sleek Martha design. Now does someone want to come over and cook me up some casseroles?

Always a sucker for cookbooks, I cannot resist the printable cookbooks I found on All Recipes.com. There's one for Back to School, Halloween and Summer. Hopefully they'll keep adding to this excellent collection.

And speaking of cookbooks, one of my most favorite cookbook authors, Molly Katzen, of Moosewood fame, recently came out with a veggie dishes cookbook. I'm very excited to see what it's like.

Oh and while we're still on the food stuff, as if you need another reason to visit NYC, here's an article all about this year's Chocolate show. My sis went a few years back and said it was amazing. I think this would be better than going to E3 or MacWorld or ComicCon or umm… pretty much any of that nerd stuff. Continue reading “IOU …”

MoBlogging in Style

So… I did it, guys. Finally took that smart phone plunge. Yay! I am sitting on my couch, blogging away which I suppose I can do on my laptop, but with this guy, I can blog from like… the Broncos Game or something. hehe

So I bought the HTC Mogul. E'mail, web, 2 MP camera phone, games, etc. Cool cool cool. Best part? After rebates, my company's PDA reimbursement plan and the aforementioned Discover Card deal, I will pay around $60 for the phone. I wouldn't have had it any other way. I'm cheap like that.

Now I just have to figure out how to use it as a phone. haha.

Me from A-Z

Thursday meme cop-out post, stolen from Nanette.

Rules: List a word that describes you for every letter of the alphabet. Offer as much or as little explanation as you wish. Please keep the words positive (for example, don’t use “fat” for F or “lame” for L), and feel free to get creative. Tag as many or as few people as you wish.

A – artistic (at least I like to think so)
B – bossy
C – crafty
D – dorky (and unashamed of this fact)
E – easy-going
F – funny
G – gamer
H – hiker
I – industrious
J – jenius (hehe) Continue reading “Me from A-Z”

Commentary on My Week thus Far

Some weeks, for whatever reason, are just so much more exhausting than others. This week has been one of those. It seems like every time Matt goes out of town, work gets really busy. I have excellent support, including a sister who was able to pick up Ms. Tabby from the sitter's for me yesterday, but I just get to bed too late and too tired. I can barely think, let alone write anything coherent for you to read.

Matt is back in town, though he has to go out *again* next week. Does this make 4 wks in a row?? I don't remember.

What is my point? I don't think I have one. Just rambling and moaning. Perhaps I'll have an amusing anecdote for you tomorrow. Oh here's something: I used to think people were saying “an amusing antelope.” Good night.

November? Seriously??

It hit me sort of hard that October is over. I'm not ready for snow and winter yet. A bit more time, hopefully. Thanks for all your nice comments on our Faerie and our punkins. We had a very nice Halloween. I didn't want it to end. Too bad I was practically falling asleep in my high chair myself.

I was going to do that NaBloPoMo thing but seeing as how hard it has been to blog just t'day, I don't know if that'll be happening. Why the heck do they pick November for these things?? Like I don't have enough to do starting my Christmas shopping, etc. How about February? That's pretty open.

We have no real plans for the weekend, which is way exciting for me. I do need to go pick up a few things at the store … boring things like socks and such. We also need to continue getting rid of stuff and getting our house ready to put on the market. I also want to add some new recipes to the cookbook. We've been cooking like crazy around here and I'd love to share some of our new favorites. Looks like it's time for bed … well really time to get some work (for my job, no less) done and then head to bed. Seriously … 40 hours in 4 days is no joke.

Am I Grown Up?

Matt sent me this blog post where the writer lists 25 signs that you're grown up … I've pasted them here and crossed off the ones that still don't apply to me. What do you think … Am I grown up?

1. Your houseplants are alive, and you can’t smoke any of them – I don't have houseplants (though I've never been able to smoke them) because I really need things to remind me to feed/water them (i.e. Loki & Tabby)

2. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question – no comment

3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge – duh. I luv to cook

4. 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to bed – actually, I get up at 4:40 AM, but I catch your drift

5. You hear your favorite song in an elevator – umm … no way, Jose Continue reading “Am I Grown Up?”