Not a lot to say … really glad we're heading into Friday. Gotta love that. No idea what we're up to. But there's been some talk of skiing (just about the last weekend we can).
What else? Got a cute running skort at Target. It is short and nice for warm weather but camouflages the bum area very well.
I am just about over my nasty cold that's been plaguing me all week, but now Tabby's got it. Luckily colds don't seem to get to her too much (knock on wood).
Matt and I have been watching and are now allll caught up on Top Chef. We're loving it, asking each other what we'd do in the situations, etc. etc. It interested us enough to look at the Food & Wine Classic cuz it's just over the hill in Aspen. Tickets? Over $1000 (and they're already sold out). Yikes!! Nevermind. But wow … that would be way fun.
Since it's spring, I'm getting all neurotic about organization. I don't know why (though I have theories), but this happens to me every spring. Time to clean out the closets and get my stuff in order. I wanna take our home office to paperless … and organize all of our computer files. I recently had a *nasty* virus at work and while I always back up there and had no problems, I'm not as diligent at home, but man is that tedious. All that idle time while things are copying I just zone out and get off track.
Over and out! Have a great weekend.