
Not a lot to say … really glad we're heading into Friday. Gotta love that. No idea what we're up to. But there's been some talk of skiing (just about the last weekend we can).

What else? Got a cute running skort at Target. It is short and nice for warm weather but camouflages the bum area very well.

I am just about over my nasty cold that's been plaguing me all week, but now Tabby's got it. Luckily colds don't seem to get to her too much (knock on wood).

Matt and I have been watching and are now allll caught up on Top Chef. We're loving it, asking each other what we'd do in the situations, etc. etc. It interested us enough to look at the Food & Wine Classic cuz it's just over the hill in Aspen. Tickets? Over $1000 (and they're already sold out). Yikes!! Nevermind. But wow … that would be way fun.

Since it's spring, I'm getting all neurotic about organization. I don't know why (though I have theories), but this happens to me every spring. Time to clean out the closets and get my stuff in order. I wanna take our home office to paperless … and organize all of our computer files. I recently had a *nasty* virus at work and while I always back up there and had no problems, I'm not as diligent at home, but man is that tedious. All that idle time while things are copying I just zone out and get off track.

Over and out! Have a great weekend.

Hooray for SPRING!!!

Err… well the weather still pretty much sucks in this neck of the woods, but it's gotta shape up soon, right? Right?!?!?

Whatever. New skin to celebrate “spring.” It's way late and I am not at my peak. So things may be weird here and there. I'll fix 'em tomorrow. Probably.

Training Update: X Training

I'm updating you on my training sooner than I thought because I made myself a training log and (for some dumb reason) I designed it to go from Monday – Sunday. Anyhoo … .aAmazing amazing week. I feel like I really hit what I wanted. Hope I can keep it up.

The one goal I'd set that I didn't accomplish was running outdoors again. Considering the weather we've had to contend with and everything else I've accomplished, I will let it slide.

What have I done since last Tuesday?
Wednesday: I went for a 50 min swim. I wanted to do 60, but I was running late.
Thursday: After our disasterous Weds night (Tabby throwing up), I could not get up and took this day off
Friday: Ran for like 30 or 40 min (honestly can't remember)
Saturday: Did 2 miles at my top speed with a 3 min break between miles, then lifted weights … and then did a 60 min step class. This was admittedly a bit crazy, but I hardly ever get this kind of time to myself and I over did it. Advil and I were bossom buddies Sunday.
Sunday: the training schedule said 70 min run (oops, it actually said 60, but I can't read apparently), and I was sort of doubtful after yesterday, but I am super proud to say that I did it!!!!! and I ran (basically) the race distance as well, so yea … awesome week.

And you better believe I took today off. I'm training … I'm not suicidal. This week I plan to keep it up and get an outdoors workout in. Unfortunately the weather looks as abysmal as the past week (if not more so), but it's a goal, right? Plus I want to get one more strength workout in. Continue reading “Training Update: X Training”

Wow. Weekend

Usually I comment on how quickly the weekend went, and this one is really not an exception other than I must say that we accomplished A LOT.

Friday I took a half day and stayed with Tabby who was still getting over her bug/shots/whatever. We played and napped and had a nice day. And when Matt was done with work, we headed off to get dinner and run a couple of errands. We realized as we were getting to Noodles and Co that we had forgotten the diaper bag. But stubborn folk that we are, we pressed on. So at 8:30 we were to be found in the grocery store parking lot changing a diaper that had lost containment. I keep a diaper wallet in my car for such occasions and we had purchased a t'shirt on clearance while we were at the mall, so yea … it wasn't a total disaster.

Saturday I got a long spell of lovely “me time” at the gym (more on that tomorrow) while Matt and Tabby had some Daddy-Daughter time. Then we had a lovely breakfast out and Tabby and I had a lovely nap. After naptime, it was crunch time, getting ready for a BBQ with my parents and our friends and their boys. Matt had had ribs slow-cooking over night and we made up some side dishes. I attempted a dessert that blew up in my face (I am so pathetically distracted when Tabby is fussy). But a grocery-store run later (we needed propane anyhow) and we had pies instead. And the evening was just about perfect … yummy food (even the store-bought pies) and the best of company.

After beautiful weather, today we awoke to cold temps and a dusting of snow. Not the end of the world I just hope it didn't kill our budding lilacs!! We had more errands to run, and then Matt and I apparently lost our minds and decided to attack our fridge and pantry. Four (?!?!) hours and four trash bags later, our food stuffs are much more organized.

Now I need a really good night of sleep.

A Chain of Links

Firstly, thanks for all the great support on my training. It's great to get such nice feedback… very motivating!!

Moving on… It's exhausting coming up with stupid titles for my link posts. I'm just not that smart or creative!!! But I do have some excellent sites, articles, etc. gathered since I last posted. Hope you enjoy!!

Kids' Stuff
* I laugh every single time I look at the Jack Potty … what a weird and fun idea!! via Ohdeedoh
* I love this article from Zen Habits about streamlining life with kids … has good ideas and interesting points
* Ohdeedoh points out a new book, Porn for New Moms. This is not dirty, just photos of good looking men saying things like, “You look gorgeous already, but how about you treat yourself to a mani pedi while I watch the baby.”
* I love the Toolboxes that Sally Shim created for her boys for Easter
* Heheh … it's kind of like a flea collar for kids … a bug repelling bracelet! Via Parent Hacks
* Adorable paper play things to print and assemble via Ohdeedoh

Yummy Stuff
* Sage advice on making Chewy Caramels at the Kitchen
* A reminder about how fast and good homemade can be
* Recipes from Kashi, including Chocolate Peanut Butter Go Lean Muffin Bars and Asian Lettuce Cups via Slashfood
* How to make Hollandaise (I have yet to do this successfully) at the Kitchen
* Planning and Planting a Kitchen Garden at Lifehacker
* Caramel Walnut Banana Upside Down Cake 'nuff said Continue reading “A Chain of Links”

Date Night Funnies

As long as I've known Matt, he's loved to go to comedy clubs. Turns out there's one really close to us, about 15 min away called Wits End. It's kind of a random place for a comedy club: sort of in a strip mall, but it turned out to be really great. And we loved the comic we saw. Steve Hofstetter. He's billed as the “thinking man's comic” and I think he pretty much lived up to that title … which is one reason I enjoyed him so much … a little poo humor goes a very long way with me and if that's all a comic's got, they'll lose me quick. But this guy had good topical humor and made us laugh so much we had tears in our eyes.

Here's his channel on YouTube … if he's going to be near you, I really suggest you check him out. He's probably the funniest comic I've seen since Lewis Black.

And of course it was great to hang out with my favorite guy. We got to see the show, get some sushi and pick up baby girl from my parents' house. Boy does she have them wrapped around her little finger. We picked her up at 9 PM. She was sitting on the counter in her diaper getting spoon fed yogurt (or was it applesauce?).

Yep … everyone had a lovely evening.

He… heheh hehe

I have mentioned (indirectly) the employee rewards company that I have contact with in my workday. We use this company to supply rewards for our laborers and carpenters and I interface with them 2-3 times a week. Our relationship with them is only about 4-5 months old and yet in this amount of time we have had 4 representatives. And not to be rude, but they are an incompetent lot. The sorts of people that one has to explain things to. Multiple times. I have to prompt them for updates on our orders. I have to call to make sure they got my emails and everytime we switch people, stuff slips through the cracks. I am basically their babysitter.

But most recently, the events have taken a humorous turn. Because not only are they giving us incompetents to work with, they are now also giving us porn stars (well Bond Girls at least) to work with. Our last two reps have been named (I kid you not): Chl.oe Melo.nson and Chris.tina Ch.erry.

Really, I couldn't make this stuff up.
Have a splendid weekend!


I have very little to report. We've been crazy busy. Work. Life. Changes. I'm pretty stressed ATM.

Miss Tabby makes me very happy … keeps me a bit sane. We went to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes tonight. Her absolute favorite thing there are the teeny tiny ice cream cones. We are not allowed to help her eat it either. She does it all on her own … with great zeal, and a few drips.

I'm almost done with In the Woods. Really really good. Up next is a book called Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar … it's the explanation of philosophy through jokes. Which is great, because this is probably the only way I'll ever get interested in philosophy.

I'm hoping for some calmer seas soon.

Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jig

Is it over already!??! Yikes. Well we had a fab weekend. Loads and loads of skiing. Good eats. Karaoke!! And good friends. My mom and Tabby got a lot of quality time. I took just a few photos, almost all of them this morning.

It was really nice seeing Patrick and Marcella. We hadn't seen them since we went back to Nashville last fall (Sept, I think). We had a lot of good laughs. And oooohh… the snow. It was just gorgeous this weekend. They really lucked out on the whole weather scenario.

Tabby had a great weekend from the standpoint that she had loads of attention throughout the day … but the nights were more problematic. I guess she's gotten to the age where she knows where she is and where she isn't and when she's away from home, the light is different, the noises are different, etc. etc. and so she was NOT going down well and NOT sleeping well. She did pretty much all of her sleeping cuddled up to me or Matt or my mom. Last night when we were doing Karaoke, she would not go to sleep … so she snuggled in my lap while we did karaoke. It was very sweet … and kind of funny.

Now we're going to be happy to settle back into our routine.