There have been other goings on … but with all the Christmas catch-up I haven't written about them. In no paticular order:
• We have been having MAJOR WIND here (house shaking, wake up the baby variety) … and while we get some major wind fairly frequently, this lasted for about 12 hours straight. No one slept a lot last night.
• Tabby seems crazy close to potty training. She's still going dry almost every night and has started asking to use the potty more often. I am planning to get some vinyl training pants and work on this with her while we're together later this week and early next.
• I am starting to sort of wig out about the impending arrival of baby #2 given the fact that every time I blink a month goes by … and we are totally out of space in our house. Yikes.
• My new video game seems to install fine and yet when I go to play it, Vista (old buddy, old pal) is all “Spore what??! I know not of this Spore you speak of.” Bastard.
• I think I'm actually sick of sweets. It took three weeks (and a few pounds, I'm sure), but there you have it.
• I really need to reacquaint myself with the treadmill (see above item).
• I think I shall make JustJenn's broken glass Jell-O for New Year's Eve
• Our local Rec Center (that's Colo-speak for community center, y'all) has a T'shirt Quilt making class. I have a box of t'shirts that I'd love to use for this purpose. Unfortunately the class is Fridays from 10-noon. That bites.
• We successfully used every penny of both medical and dependent care flex accounts. I'm stupidly proud of that.
• As much as Spore/Vista sucks and won't load, Prof. Layton/DS is awesome and I'm enjoying it very much. But what does it say about me that the hard puzzles (worth more points) are simple for me and the easy puzzles (worth few points) require all the hints plus some guesswork for me?? Maybe it is like this for everyone.
And now you know just how sad my life is. Or lovely.