Other Things, Not Exactly Christmas Related

There have been other goings on … but with all the Christmas catch-up I haven't written about them. In no paticular order:

• We have been having MAJOR WIND here (house shaking, wake up the baby variety) … and while we get some major wind fairly frequently, this lasted for about 12 hours straight. No one slept a lot last night.
• Tabby seems crazy close to potty training. She's still going dry almost every night and has started asking to use the potty more often. I am planning to get some vinyl training pants and work on this with her while we're together later this week and early next.
• I am starting to sort of wig out about the impending arrival of baby #2 given the fact that every time I blink a month goes by … and we are totally out of space in our house. Yikes.
• My new video game seems to install fine and yet when I go to play it, Vista (old buddy, old pal) is all “Spore what??! I know not of this Spore you speak of.” Bastard.
• I think I'm actually sick of sweets. It took three weeks (and a few pounds, I'm sure), but there you have it.
• I really need to reacquaint myself with the treadmill (see above item).
• I think I shall make JustJenn's broken glass Jell-O for New Year's Eve
• Our local Rec Center (that's Colo-speak for community center, y'all) has a T'shirt Quilt making class. I have a box of t'shirts that I'd love to use for this purpose. Unfortunately the class is Fridays from 10-noon. That bites.
• We successfully used every penny of both medical and dependent care flex accounts. I'm stupidly proud of that.
• As much as Spore/Vista sucks and won't load, Prof. Layton/DS is awesome and I'm enjoying it very much. But what does it say about me that the hard puzzles (worth more points) are simple for me and the easy puzzles (worth few points) require all the hints plus some guesswork for me?? Maybe it is like this for everyone.

And now you know just how sad my life is. Or lovely.

Yes, Jessica, there is a Santa Claus

Last night, Christmas came early to our house. The insurance company gave us our settlement less than 2 weeks after the accident. My car is a “total loss” and we will be getting a pretty darn fair check from them today … pretty much the max I thought we could get from them. And they didn't even question replacing Tabby's (pricey) carseat. Now if we can just find my car all over again, I will be happy.

'Tis the Season

Tis the season for me to be so busy I cannot find the time to blog. This was my weekend: shopping with Mom on Friday; shopping and subsequently wrapping with Kelly on Saturday; digging out our horribly filthy house followed by more wrapping on Sunday. I'll catch up soon, promise!

The next three days are just as busy! I should have a contest to see who can most closely guess my number of trips to Target without going over. Hehe. But I cannot take on another project!

So a funny story just to brighten your day … Matt has been chauferring me to work since my car is in purgatory. Usually Tabby is deposited into her carseat half asleep, but since she went to bed at 6:15 last night, she woke up right around the time I got up. Matt tried to get her to lay down with him while I got ready, but to no avail. She loves showers (shau-shau as she calls it) and insisted on joining me. When it was time to get out, it was FREEZING of course and she was all chattering wrapped in her towel. So Matt just put her pajamas (footy pjs, so cute!) back on her as quickly as possible … o quickly he forgot a diaper!! Luckily I noticed her butt wasn't as padded as normal when I picked her up to put her in the car and we corrected the situation.

Hope you're getting close! Happy Holidays!

6 Days?!?! Yikes.

I cannot believe Christmas is 6 days away. But we are in pretty good shape, I think! We have 99.9% of the shopping done (just a few stocking stuffers needed) and gifts to those far away have been sent (yay!). And there is mostly just the wrapping to do … and maybe some cooking.

Speaking of Christmas, I thought I mailed out the bulk of my Christmas cards around the 11th, but somehow the final “send them” order never got processed, so they just got sent out yesterday (or maybe today). They will be on time, but I felt like a bit of an idiot for screwing it up.

We are waiting to hear on my car still. When Matt called them on Wednesday (day 4 of the 3-5 day estimate) they were up to $15K and they hadn't even gotten into the engine compartment. That was just sheet metal and airbags. My fervent hope is that they total it because I really doubt they can fix it “good as new” plus I don't even want to think about how long fixing it could take. So keep your fingers crossed for me on that!

The plans for this weekend are pretty mellow compared to the last couple. Today after work I will be going to lunch with my mom and grandma and Miss Tabby and then my mom and Tabby and I are going to do a bit of shopping. Tomorrow, my sister and I are going to do minimal shopping and finish up just a couple of things and then get to wrapping. Sunday I've got dillusions of cleaning up the house, doing grocery shopping and laundry. I could definitely use some peaceful time at home.

And this week starts my three short weeks at work … 2.5 days next week, 2 days the week after that and 3 the following. Nice, eh? I cannot wait!! Hope your holiday season is going well … don't over do it on the eggnog.

No Shortage of Goings On

Did I mention I've been busy? Here are the goings on in no particular order.

• growing a person
• making pot luck dishes (we have like 4 of these events before Christmas)
• baking cookies (in addition to the ones baked last weekend)
• singing Christmas carols and dancing around the living room with Tabby
• getting some sneak previews of our little guy via the 20 wk ultrasound (more on this tomorrow)
• trying not to think about my car until we get some actual news
• researching car seat replacement
• packaging up gifts for friends and family far away
• planning Christmas Eve dinner
• making a (gift) list and checking it twice
• fighting off a cold *sniffle*
• not getting enough sleep
• making tea for Tabby
• hoping for a white Christmas
• enjoying all of your lovely holiday cards
• making everyone's days merry and bright

Car. Bang. Oh God!

The above title is a direct quote from my daughter. It's been quite an eventful 24 hours. Yesterday as we were headed out to buy groceries for our trip, we got into an car accident. We were doing our family thing and pointing to the moom for Tabby and cruising along. Next thing I know we're barreling down on a pickup truck and all I could do was scream. Airbags deployed, but we weren't traveling at high speeds and no one was hurt, thankfully. Our car hit the pickup which hit another car … one of those horrible things that can happen to anyone just by taking your eyes off the situation for a second.

Poor Matt feels awful and while I'm bummed about my car (all paid off, less than 1 year old) I am really relieved no one was hurt. The car did what it was supposed to do and we hardly felt it. I had called my OB last night and the after hours people had told me to do whatever I felt was correct. I felt fine and I didn't relish a visit to the frequently inept and ALWAYS slow after hours crowd, so we went on with our evening. But when I called back this AM they wanted me to be seen … at the hospital. So we went in and did that whole deal. My own OB was the one on call (bizarre, I never even saw my OB from last time at the hospital, even when I delivered or in the three days afterward). And she did a complete check, including ultrasound.

Which is when we learned that we're having a boy! And everything is just fine.

I also got over 4″ chopped off my hair this afternoon. Like I said … eventful.

Hump Day Cop Out

I didn't sleep much last night. I wasn't worried or frazzled or any other reason that would normally keep me up 'til crazy hours tossing and turning. I assume it's a pregnancy thing.

Also, I went to all the trouble of cutting (cutting into my hand, I might add), toasting and cream-cheesing what I believe to be a raisin bagel only to find out it was a chocolate chip bagel which (in my opinion) is not a flavor bagels should even be made in.

So instead of a proper post, you get to see my Kaboodle wishlist. Maybe it will give you gift ideas (not for me, for other people or yourself!).