More Karaoke!

Well it's official! Karaoke Revolution 2 is in the works … it's got added features and, more importantly, new songs (35 in all). So far there's:
+ … Baby One More Time
+ Born to be Wild
+ Cry
+ Drift Away
+ Every Breath You Take
+ Friends in Low Places
+ Genie in a Bottle
+ Heart Break Hotel
+ Here Without You

And they're still taking request for s'more songs. So if you wanna see any tracks on there, you can go request 'em. I put in for some Abba and Beatles. Those are fun to sing. I'm thinking a lil' Billy Joel or Elton John might do the trick.

Lalalalallalallalal … I'll just be here warming up my vocal cords until its release date (which I cannot yet find).

I ♥ Technology

Recently our cable company went bezerk and doubled our internet connection speed and changed our package so that we now get all of the premium channels for the same price as everything we got before. I've been enjoying the switch. It's doubly nice because not only do we get all of those premium whatsits, but we also get on demand. Tons of movies, and the ability to stop, play, rewind, start, etc. anytime you like. Most of it is free too. Kick butt. I'm impressed. Now if we can just get that teleport thing taken care of … flying is such a pain in the butt.

Netflix is also awesome too. It's still way cheaper and nicer and faster than Blockbuster and I really like being able to rent these discs that I'm not interested in buying. I intend to rent Freaks and Geeks and possibly 24 and Stargate SG-1. Joe Schmo the first is also under consideration. Continue reading “I ♥ Technology”

For Keeps

I had Netflix send me For Keeps, a movie Lorelai had mentioned. I rented it for a few reasons … mostly, it's an 80s movie (featuring Molly Ringwald no less) that I'd never seen. Anyhow, I really enjoyed it. Molly Ringwald and her boyfriend get pregnant in high school and they decide to keep their baby … and so ensues the trials and tribulations of being 17 and married and having a kid! I also find it interesting that the guy's dad is played by the same guy who plays Otto on Malcolm in the middle (sans German accent). I also thought that it was interesting that the kids in it are from Kenosha (I think that's about 2 hours from here) and they're trying to go to school in Madison (though the campus they showed looked nothing like the one downtown). Incidentally, do you have any idea how many movies are set in Wisconsin?? I'd never noticed before I lived here, but there's tons … usually poking fun at WI, but whatever. Anyhow, overall, it was a very enjoyable little movie and I would definitely recommend it … especially to anyone who likes the Pretty in Pink, Breakfast Club type movies.

Conversations over TV

A while back, Matt and I were watching TV (possibly Joe Schmo) and we saw a commercial for Dr. Scholl's Freeze Away Wart Remover … the conversation that followed went something like this:
Matt: Hmm.. .that's interesting.
Jess: Yea. What do you think they use? Liquid nitrogen?
Matt: I doubt it. Wouldn't last long enough … but you know what I am thinking?
Jess: We could have some kind of fun with that.
Matt: Exactly. But what would we freeze?

Yea, idle minds can be a dangerous thing. And to answer your question, we have not purchased this product nor have we thought of any sort of mad scientist thing to do.


I added the recipe for the beef stroganoff that we cooked last night. It'll be headed into the rotation. Quick and yummy it was! I also mean to make some spice bread today, but I don't know if I'll get around to it. I played a wee bit too much over the weekend and now I've got to play a bit-o catchup (or is that catsup?).

I've also been meaning to tell y'all how much I like Netflix. As Lorelai would say, “I'm lovin' it like a two-dollar whore.” It's so speedy and fun and they've got an amazing selection of titles. It's nice too that so many TV shows are coming out on DVD. Now you get the chance to watch shows you might never otherwise try out. I'm planning to order up 24 (that show with Kiefer Sutherland) and Matt wants Joe Schmo the first. Lotsa fun to be had hanging around the house.

More Yakkin' About the TV

When we were at Target the other day, I noticed that they've put Northern Exposure on DVD! That's cool, of course, because I love the show, but what's really really cool is the packaging. The boxed DVD set is wearing an orange parka with a little moose zipper pull. It's soooo cute. I've got very nice memories of Northern Exposure. I used to watch it between classes Monday, Wednesday, Friday during college… A&E has good stuff on.

We really enjoyed JS2 tonight (spoilers to follow)….. Continue reading “More Yakkin' About the TV”

Oh My Geeky Stars

Leo Laporte is gone and now Patrick Norton is moving on. While Kevin Rose is a bit of a cutie, Patrick and Leo always just seemed to have that extra bit of know-how and I'm going to miss the last bit left. Screensavers won't be the same without Patrick!! No one knows who's going to be replacing him, but I hope they get someone good … and hopefully a windows person.


Well they've confirmed the title of the sixth Harry Potter book. JK Rowling put it up as an easter egg on her website for her fans to find and they did. It took me forever to locate it, but it's really cool. Anyhow, the title will be Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. JK has also told everyone that neither Harry nor Voldemort is the Half Blood prince … sooooo … wonder who it'll be. Come out soon, book, come out soon!

Here's how to find the title on (dont' read if you wanna find it yourself!): Continue reading “Confirmed!”

Joe Schmo 2

I wasn't going to watch TV regularly this summer, but Matt has proved to be a bad influence on me. He is hooked on Joe Schmo 2. This year they've picked 2 schmos to dupe into believing they're on a reality series. The guy is totally believing it, but the girl, Ingrid, is totally suspicious. And with good right. They keep doing some really dumb things, but I think that's sort of the point. Get in her face and do unbelievable thigns and see if she believes them.

The show would probably not be nearly so funny if they didn't totally make fun of themselves. They have the girl, Ingrid, up on the screen. And she's doing her “thoughts” bit. and they have “Ingrid, thinks it's all real” on the screen below her. And as they go through the interviews and flash back to stuff that's happening in the house, they go from “Ingrid, thinks it's all real” to “Ingrid, thinks 50% of it's real” to “Ingrid, thinks 25% of it's real” to “Ingrid, we're screwed!” Hehehhe. They also are doing the “coming up later” things and they said, “And later, the most shocking elimination ceremony yet! And this time we really mean it!” Of course they were lying. They jerked us around and we're not going to see who gets eliminated until next week. They're thinking about elminating Ingrid because she's suspicious.

Fab Weekend

We had an absolutely fab weekend (as the title indicates). We saw Simon and Garfunkel on Friday night, which was … amazing They're truly musicians and they put on a great show. Tons of different instruments and musicians. I don't think Paul Simon played the same guitar twice … they played all of our faves … and it was just amazing. I sat in awe of their genius the entire time. They had cool photo/video montages too … one at the beginning of the concert, featuring their history/friendship and one right before they did Mrs. Robinson, featuring scenes from The Graduate. Superb!! Catch them if you can.

Saturday we went to the Milwaukee Public Museum and caught their Egypt exhibit. We're both big into antiquities/anthropology, so it was neat to see it. Unfortunately, they concentrated mostly on their spiritual life, which was of lesser interest to us, but it was still a neat exhibit.

Then in the evening, we headed to Summerfest … more about that later.

We brought the puppy with us and she got to stay in the hotel room quite a bit (we figured it was prolly better than a kennel, esp. since she sleeps all day…) but she didn't like the idea too much. She freaked when it was time for us to leave her behind and even when we came back, she had a hard time settling down. I know she's glad to be home.