I Know It's Been a While …

But, sadly, nothing much of interest has been going on. We've just been living our lives and trying to get that whole job/house thing together.

Sims 2 was released yesterday. I'd LOVE to have it, but that would mean having a computer that's actually fast enough to run it … which won't be happening for a while yet. I've read sooo much about it and I'm so excited for it and I still have to wait … bummer.

And on Tuesday, the new season of Gilmore Girls starts!!! I'm vair vair vair excited for that. We'll get to see the consequences of Rory sluttin' it up with a married man. All of the spoilers I've read suggest it will be a great season. Season 1 is out on DVD and Season 2 comes at Christmas, so if you aren't into GG yet, pick 'em up or rent 'em from the Evil Empire (Blockbuster) or Netflix.


Last night my mom took Matt and I on a mystery outing. We didn't know where we were going …. and we didn't find out until we got there that my (ultra-awesome) mom had gotten us tickets to see …. GUSTER!!

Her company has a pool of tix at the Universal Lending Pavilion (stupid name, great venue), this sort of DIA-esque outdoor venue in downtown Denver, and when Guster tickets came up, she nabbed 'em for us.

So last night, she, Kells, and the two of us went down to see Guster!! Needless to say the show was great. They had two opening bands … dunno what the first one was, and I really didn't love them so m uch, but the second one was Mission 19, a local band out of the Springs. They were fun, with a DMB sorta sound. But, of course, Guster was the main attraction. They did a great show, as usual. They played new stuff and old-favorites alike and the crowd was really psyched up to see them. The coolest thing about watching Guster though is their drummer. On 90% of the songs, no drumsticks. He just uses his hands … so you get a sort of bongo sound mixed in with cymbals at times too .. and watching him drum is amazing. Wonder if his hands hurt/get tired?

Now that I've given Guster their rave review, I must say that another cool part of the evening was the venue. Since my mom's company bought up this package thingy, we had all VIP stuff, and that was soooo great. We got close-up parking, followed by our own little pre-show area complete with food (lasagna, sandwiches, etc.), drinks, and bathrooms (so a big deal if normal bathrooms gross you out!!) and then on the floor, we had a little sort of sectioned-off booth area with a little cocktail table and chairs. So-very-neat.

Don't I have the coolest mum?

Give that Man a Gold Medal!

Did y'all see men's gymnastics last night??? It was incredible!! After Paul Hamm fell butt-first into the judges stand after his vault, I almost turned it off I was so dissapointed for him. But man did he rally!! Of course the other gymnasts' flubs helped a bit too.

You had to feel pretty sorry for those Korean gymnasts though. They didn't make any big mistakes and they still didn't get the gold. But they did what the Romanians did Tuesday night and just delivered consistant, kinda boring routines. Awesome awesome awesome!

B'day Update

Well I had a very nice b'day and it's one of those that's going to be prolonged for quite a while. I'm not going to celebrate with my family until they come up here near the end of the month. But when I got home today I had a nice package waiting for me at the door … Mommy sent me Pictures of Naked People (John Stewart's book) which I'm really excited to read. I will have to force myself to not read it all in one sitting as well as The Griffin and Sabine books which are correspondances between two characters in vividly realistic postcards with envelopes and letters interspersed. I'd never seen them before. They kinda remind me of a grown-up version of The Jolly Postman. I'm very excited to read them as well. Last but not least, there was also a very cute pair of flip flops from J.Crew in the package. They have salmon-colored straps with little bees embroidered on them. I love surprise packages … and no one can surprise me quite so well as my mom. She knows just what I like.

Now I'm sitting here very happily listening to some music and getting some work done. Life is good.

Worth its Own Post

Okay, so Matt and I saw a while back on The Screensavers that there was an MP3 service out there called All of MP3. It's based in Russia and it's border-line sketchy, but maaaan is it cheap!! I've already downloaded two albums and spent around $1 for both!!!

Now, as I said, it's borderline sketchy. But they do accept paypal, though that's down at the moment. So you can also get one of those 1 use credit card numbers for a pre-set limit and pre-set window of activity and use that (which is what I did). If you do that tho, be prepared for your credit card to possibly reject you until they call and assure that you're OK with transactions from Russia going thru on your card.

Tosh and Rot

Our apartment is an absolute wreck. I'd forgotten just what moving does to a place. I really did try to keep it as neat as I could (for instance, boxes of books are now in my bookshelves) for as long as possible, but it was inevitably going to get messy. And even though I saved a LOT of boxes, we're still going to have to buy some. I hate spending money on things like cardboard boxes.

Just for fun… how fast do you read? via Wills Thrills. I read between 550 and 600 words per minute, which they list as highly efficient.

Another 'for fun” … turn your backyard into a wildlife sanctuary. Continue reading “Tosh and Rot”


We've been watching the latest episode of JS2 and as it gets more and more outrageous … we're wondering if maybe Tim isn't schmoing everyone … the audience and the other actors. I dunno… but it really is getting very unbelievable. Hahah. It's funny anyhow.


I didn't write much over the weekend cuz we didn't really do anything interesting. Well interesting to anyone apart from us. We spent lotsa time at home packing and cleaning and sorting and then made margaritas and played some video games and watched some DVDs. Good fun, but not very interesting.

Today it's been all work for me, but it's always easier to do your work when you've got a fresh supply of books on CD. The local library system came through for me and I was able to pick up 6 – 6!! – sets of CDs. I'm listening to Knocked Out By My Nunga-Nungas. I've got still more coming in …

It was a waste of bits and bytes to write this, really.

Fabbity Fab Fab

I started watching Freaks and Geeks last night. I must say … it's a very good series. So much more about the people you really know in high school than most stuff like it. It's quite filled with hilariosity as well … and lots of those faces you've seen … somewhere (as in … wait, isn't that the bad dude from Spiderman?! It is!). So that's good. I should get the next disc tomorrow or Sat. Netflix Netflix Netflix!

Today has been an overall good day. I got to talk to my daddy first thing this morning and Mr. Matt was able to come home for lunch and I was able to secure a plethera of books on CD from our local library to be used on my upcoming loooong road trip from Madison to Denver … and that's very important cuz I hate driving. Also, it's Thursday, which is always good in my book.

And I've had some good outcomes from some drawings I've done lately, maybe I'll even post a couple … we'll see. I've resolved to do more drawing … and I've succeeded for three days straight now, so I guess there's hope for us all.