Origami and Motivation

OK, so I've been kind of short on motivation. It might have something to do with having an irritating head cold. It's not the sort of thing that knocks you on your butt, but I get to sniffle a bunch and feel sort of icky. But whatever the case, all I really want to do is read and sip tea. No working. No working out. Can't I just go on strike for a few days?

The other thing I feel like doing is making stuff. The sort of stuff that doesn't require tons of brain power, but keeps your hands busy. I've been quite big on origami lately. I never realized how extensive it is. I found a great book at Borders for a few bucks and I snapped it up. I've been able to make almost all of the ones I've tried so far. I did have problems with this one box. Oddly enough, it's not one of the ones written in Japanese or Chinese.

Not an Exciting Day but a Good Day

I worked for a long time today. I was sorting out the sort of things that I've been avidly avoiding. As a bonus for my hard work, I managed to avoid cleaning! So I guess something good came from it all .. hehe.

Meanwhile, I've been getting lots of good crafting ideas searching the web. Time to use that Michael's coupon!

It's finally gotten fairly cold and pretty rainy. I'm very surprised we haven't had snow yet. I love snow!!

Paint Fumes

This evening, I made the mistake of spray painting some Alotid and AOL tins in our sunroom. I know it sounds like a bad idea to begin with, but I opened all the windows and turned on the fan. But no. That stuff means business.

Two hours later and that stuff is only now gone. Blech. On the plus side, I've got perfectly silver tins, no junky logos on 'em.

I've had a good day today. I'm feeling much better and I've gotten tons accomplished. I like days like that.

Nothing Much

I have nothing much to report. It's been raining off and on … something that Madison really needed which has put a bit of a damper (pun intended) on our outdoor activities, but rain is nice indeed to watch from the windows.

We've been doing some “rainy day” craft projects. I've got a large stock of found-objects and it's high time some of them get used up. As a tribute to some of these pursuits, I'm in the midst of making a crafts page for the site. But it's not quite done yet.

We went and saw Bend it Like Beckham at the (cheap) theatre yesterday. That movie is so fun and bright. It was well worth the $4 we paid to see it.

I miss you, Grandpa.

Two Cool Things

#1 – There is someone on Trading Spaces Boys VS. Girls whose name is Theresa Fung-Cooey … Which means that if you say her two last names backwards, she's Theresa Cung-Fooey. I laughed for like three minutes straight.

Krylon (or maybe Crylon?) is now making a spray paint for plastic!!!! That is so great. It “bonds at the molecular level” so you can paint cheap plastic crap in colors you'd actually like to have around.

It's a beautiful world we live in!