Whaddup Weekend?

We are home again this weekend! And I have plans!

  1. Do some fun photogging with the kiddos. Feel like my camera hasn’t been getting a work out lately and the kiddos are getting big before my eyes!! Tabby is turning 7 a week from Tuesday!! lego_movie
  2. Get out and have some real fun: check out our new Trader Joes, see the Home & Garden Show or the Lego movie … or our newly expanded Science and Nature Museum. Lots of good choices!
  3. Get all the lingering cardboard boxes of random crap gone. beef wellingtons
  4. Make something NEW for dinner! Like these mini beef wellingtons from Jamie Oliver. mmmmmm
  5. Go for a “long” run, i.e. 5 miles. Sad that that is long at the moment, but I’m going to make a comeback! Really!2014-02-19 18.54.08
  6. Sew the freaking patches on the kids’ karate uniforms. Already lost the first set somewhere in a moving box and replacing them cost us $40 ($40?! for patches!!!) But, apparently they cannot test for their belts without these magical patches. And they are ready to test! Wonder where my sewing stuff is in our friends’ basement?!
  7. Actually catch up on all that financial stuff. For real. anna
  8. Finish reading Anna and the French Kiss. It’s only been on my list for about 3 years now.
  9. Take our poor neglected dog to the dog park … assuming it doesn’t get too nasty out. Seems no one can agree on what our weather is supposed to be like this weekend.
  10. Do a bunch of that cooking stuff so we don’t eat poorly in the upcoming week.2014-02-20 17.09.43
  11. Obsess over the construction of our house.
  12. And maybe, just maybe, a little extra sleep.

In the Hole and Under Contract

2014-02-18 17.18.30So things are moving along with our house. They have now drilled and poured our piers that run to bedrock for our basement. A typical basement would have concrete poured directly into forms in the hole, but because our soil is expansive, they have drilled down to bedrock and anchored these piers with rebar. Boo ya. Next comes the pouring of the walls and the laying of the floors.

In related news, we are under contract on our old home. It’s been hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that we don’t live there anymore. It’s helped that it’s staged within an inch of its life and doesn’t really LOOK like our house anymore … but it’s still the house where we have spent nine and a half years and the house we brought our babies home to; the house where we said goodbye to our dog, May, and brought a crazy ball of black fur (Loki) home to. It’s the house where we spent countless evenings with my mom. It was so good to us and I hate to leave it.

Happily, from what we can tell (based on various internet snoopings), the people who want to buy our house are young couple. They are moving from a smaller house in the city, which I’m guessing means they have little kids or want some soon. I like the idea that it will go to a young family, like us, who is in our ‘hood for the great community and good schools and a cozy little place to call home. It helps.

So … onward upward. Hoping the walls are up by weekend, but I’m not sure if the piers need to cure before they can pour the footers and walls. I should ask some construction people about that …


Of Valentines and Presidents


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It was a pretty fun weekend. And longer than normal to boot. That probably helps.

Thursday, after a typically mad week, I left work early to go play hostess at Tabby’s classroom Valentine’s party (our grand finale of the year). It’s been great, because her BFF’s mom has been my cohort and we are similarly on the page of THIS IS FOR THE KIDS, SO LET’S NOT KILL OURSELVES TRYING TO IMPRESS OTHER PARENTS.

So we haven’t. Valentines was: 1. Jeopardy-style trivia game. It was a bit challenging for the kids, but by re-wording the questions, it came out OK. 2. A craft where we made fortune cookie valentines (super easy). 3. A game where they tossed a beanbag which landed on a heart-healthy exercise that they then had to perform. 4. Food, brought in by all the other parents.

I felt very lucky that while friends were up til all hours, cutting cheese into heart shapes with cookie cutters, I was in bed by 9 or 10.

After the party, we picked up Ben early (he’s always a fan of that) and went over to the new ‘hood to check out our lot, now complete with a HOLE!
2014-02-13 15.37.28... and play on the playground that will soon be near our house.


Friday was similarly chill. I worked out again (2nd time that week) and went into work for a while.
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Then I met up with Matt for lunch and a kiddo-exchange … and took them to see Frozen, The Sing-Along! with their friends. Most everyone had seen Frozen and it was fun to see it again and to listen to the kiddos sing along.2014-02-14 17.31.27

We had dinner with Matt and my dad and sister at a great Chinese restaurant near us (new find!) … where Tabby scored a giant kiddy boat-drink, The Shirley Temple. She was just a bit thrilled.

Saturday was another crazy day. Matt headed out early to put some rock out in the backyard of our old house – it needed a bit of work but we couldn’t get it done before we moved because of the weather. And I went for a run (workout #3 of the week!) on the treadmill and then took the kids to karate. We met back up with Matt later for lunch and a NAP.  2014-02-15 20.29.57

Then we got to getting ready for one of my bestie’s 40th birthday bash – planned by myself and another one of her friends. More on that later, I hope. We did some work on that, ran some errands for that and gathered to get ready and then headed off to the party. I had a wine slushie at the venue and like that, Saturday was done! The kids were up ’til 11.

Sunday we met up with our former neighbors (boohoo!) to take them on a tour of the model of our new house. They’re a lovely couple, like extra grandparents for my kiddos, and we had a great time. When that was done, we grabbed lunch and were then invited on an impromptu outing to IKEA, which we were totally game for since we needed to return a bookcase.

It was a kind of crazy three-hour tour and at the end of it, we left the kids with our neighbors/friends/landlords so we could go do the postponed grocery shopping. It was great fun and though the kids were off today, my weekend was over. 

What I’m Digging

After a really wild ride the past few months (moving, traveling, strep throating, skiing), I feel like we’re finally getting into a new normal. We ate at home last night! I went to the gym this morning! Our house isn’t full to the brim with boxes!!

agathaI need to do a big ol’ post about my amazing kids, but for now, I thought I’d share some of the things we’ve been digging on – like this excellent series of books about a pint-sized sleuth called Agatha Mistery. She and her cousin, Dash, jet all over the world, solving mysteries with the butler Chandler and cat Watson in tow. They meet up with various family members of the Mistery clan who are sprinkled all over the world. They’ve got a few pictures here and there which satisfies Ben and both kids beg for another chapter every night. There are 4 already out and 2 more to follow this year!

unicornAnd while we’re on the subject of kids’ books …. I find recommendation for kids’ books online various places and then I will get on our library’s website and order them up. I got a really good batch a month or so ago and of the 10+ books we got, three of them made the “buy them!” cut. Unicorn Thinks He’s Pretty Great is the story of a goat who is just a bit jealous of a new student in his class, Unicorn, who has garnered the attention of all. You won’t be surprised to learn that Unicorn envies Goat a few of his traits and they work things out. Great dialog, fun pictures and great for reading aloud.

journeyJourney is just a beautiful book. There are no words. The story, about a little girl and her imaginative adventure, is told through beautiful illustrations. Ben loves this because he can “read” it all by himself.

crayons quitThe Day the Crayons Quit is probably my favorite of the bunch. The story is an airing of grievances from a little boy’s crayons told in the form of letters to the boy from said crayons. Great idea, really fun and colorful illustrations.

wall caddyThe rental house is actually proving to be pretty functional for all of us. We don’t really have any space for a dining table, so the kids are eating at their picnic table in their bedroom and Matt and I are eating standing up or in the living room on the couch or at the desk. Once we sell, we plan to bring our coffee table over so we can all eat together, but for now, it works! We also need plenty of organizing things to keep everything where it’s supposed to be. I bought this great organizer to get our keys and papers and that sort of stuff, all where it needs to go. It is great for now and will be super cute in our mudroom. Now I just need to get the minions to hang it.

parenthoodGot a half marathon in less than 2 months. Guess how much I’ve run in the past month. Practically nothing, nil, zero, zip, zilch. I’ve been too busy skiing and moving!!! So now I have to get my butt in gear. We were able to take our treadmill with us to the new house, but it is in a tiny, kid of weird, auxiliary room that you have to leave the main house and go around back to get to (although it’s technically attached to the house). So while we have a treadmill, no TV. But happily we live in the streaming TV age and so we are not even getting cable anymore and I’ve used a few of the dollars we’re saving on cable to get some TV to watch on my ipad while I run. Parenthood, Castle, Two Broke Girls, Elementary. It’s an amazing world we live in!

vmarsAnd last, but definitely not least, Veronica Mars, The Movie is in theatres March 14. You better believe I’m getting there ASAP and in the meantime, re-watching the series.


The Weakend


It was a kind of disappointing weekend. We put our house on the market on Friday and while most of our friends had had at least two full-price offers by now, we haven’t even had two showings. No idea what’s up – weather? price? market slow??? We’re going nuts over here with frustration. I  know it’s early, but it’s really disappointing.

We worked around the rental house, getting it ready to go and ran off to go skiing on Saturday. That was a bit of a disaster. Long drive up, kids were in foul moods by the time we got there and because of that and the semi-nasty weather, we only got one run in. I took the kids back to our hotel room to play on their ipads until dinner. They went to the kids’ club with our friends’ kids and we all went to dinner with my dad. We cut our evening short since everyone was tired. 

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Sunday we got up bright and early and got the heck out of dodge. I think I have a bit of a reputation for being a Nazi when it comes to getting back to Denver on Sunday and I don’t really care because where the drive took us about 2 hours, it took our friends who left at 11 about 4.5 hours and our friends who left around noon over 6 hours. Our drive was also a lot less … err.. exciting than theirs.

So the weekend was in some ways kind of a bust, but we did start to get more settled into our little Golden house. We bought (on Fri) and built (on Sun) two shelves from Ikea to house pantry goods – this is the single biggest problem with the house – there is no storage available for things like linens or dry goods. That went a long way to getting some boxes cleared out of the kitchen. We actually had dinner there last night!

Tonight we’re heading to dinner with friends after kiddo pickup and then we’ll be back at the rental house, writing more valentines and putting up some other stuff – a key rack/organizer I bought, our TV and reassembling our treadmill. Slowly but surely.

The Highs and Lows

The Lows:

poor peyton

  • This, of course. Poor Peyton. That was a heart breaker.
  • Moving. Ugh. Matt basically had to disassemble our fridge piece by piece in order to get it in our rental house. Guess how much of the day that took.
  • The snow, making it harder than it needed to be.
  • The disarray and disorganization of life right now.

ahhh, but then, The Highs:

2014-02-01 09.37.12-2

  • This kind of sweetness from my kiddos, even as they are in complete upheaval. 2014-02-02 09.56.24
  • This kind of beauty – I am so going to miss our ‘hood.
  • A wonderful night out to celebrate a great friend’s b’day.
  • Good friends and family with whom to watch a very crappy game.
  • A place to rest our heads, even if it isn’t quite home.


Moving Got Me Down

I know I know, two weeks have gone by without me posting, after I just.resolved.to.post.more! But seriously?

This is what it’s like around my house:

2014-01-30 22.20.09


And this … 2014-01-30 22.20.32And this …

2014-01-30 22.21.17And this!

2014-01-30 22.20.14By the way, the purple wall that Matt and I both adore is getting painted over today. I’m not looking forward to it. Boooooo.

But the house is pretty much not ours anymore. It has very little in the way of our STUFF in it. Almost everything is off the walls, out of the cabinets and closets, and in storage or at our short-term home. It has had all the personality SUCKED out of it.

So we are making the big push this weekend to be living in our short-term home. Though it is small, it has some advantages – like proximity to some of our best friends and being within walking distance to a charming little town – and I’m actually really looking forward to a scaled down life, at least for a while.

So that’s what I’ve been up to – burning the candle at both ends, just making things happen. Work all day, pack all night. But it’s almost done. I’m like 95% sure of it.



House Stuff

2013-12-30 22.39.58

If the first 16 days of 2014 are any indication, it’s going to be a busy, exciting year.

We have been working hard around our house, getting it ready to be sold. This means lots of packing, trips to Goodwill, trips to storage (i.e. our very generous friends’ basement), and trips to Home Depot! Which means that, more often than not, our house looks like that (above). It’s a little stressful for me, honestly.

2014-01-13 20.47.03We had the carpet in the kids’ rooms replaced yesterday. It doesn’t look too bad in this photo, but believe me when I say, IT WAS BAD. And the carpet from the master, which is getting replaced next week is HORRENDOUS. Light carpet + dark dog = no beueno.

So we had to disassemble Ben’s bed … which is bascially like an indoor deck. You can practically put a Volkswagen on top of it and it would be just fine. So it IS heavy. And it got pushed onto my foot and I was pretty sure it was broken for about five minutes, but it’s just really smashed up and bruised.

2014-01-14 19.27.03-2The kids were thrilled, because they got to sleep on mattresses on the floor while we handle getting everything demo’d and put back together. Honestly, it went pretty poorly and we ended up separating them BOTH nights. So I’m really looking forward to the rental house where they’ll have to share a bedroom. That should be good fun for all.

2014-01-15 14.39.06The new carpet looks very good. It’s not this dark in real life, honest, and has a more brownish hue to it. Anyway, it should hide a multitude of sins. Not that we get to enjoy that feature. That’s one of the biggest bummers of selling is fixing things that we’ll never get to enjoy. Something to keep in mind for the new place, I guess.

At the new place, not much is happening. It’s still a pile of dirt, but it has a permit pending and we’re placing bets on whether or not we sell our house before the dirt starts flying at the new place. They think we’ll be in by the end of June though. I hope they’re right!!

What a Weekend

2014-01-11 10.16.58What a weekend. Oy.

Friday Tabby went home from school with her bestie to start celebrating her bestie’s birthday early. She was gone until late in the evening, so we had a quiet evening at home with Ben – made cookies, prepped for skiing. Just before we needed to pick Tabby up, we ran a couple of errands, including a stop at Target. I glanced through the dollar bin in anticipation of Tabby’s Valentine’s class party and didn’t see much. Ben, however, fell madly in love with a small stuffed dog in the approximately 2 seconds he laid eyes on him. When we said a perfectly-normal “no” to his request to bring him home, we were treated to a 30 minute screech fest fit. This is not normal of Ben. He has mostly recovered from the temper tantrum stage and it was quite a BAD surprise.

Then Saturday… A few weeks ago we agreed to go to the mountains with a bunch of friends. It was sort of an against-our-better-judgement scenario because of all the work we still need to finish before we list our house, but we’d been working really hard and figured “What the heck?” we can take a day off. The plan was to leave Denver early Saturday, get to the slopes in plenty of time, enjoy a nice day, have a nice dinner, sleep our 8 hours and head back to town early.

Best laid plans.

We got going early – not quite as early as we’d planned, but still pretty early. Unfortunately (we found out much later) there’d been an early morning accident that had already hosed the drive. We spent over 3 hours for a 1 hour drive. The kids were well-behaved, plugged into their TVs and we only had a couple of incidents, aside from us wanting to gouge our eyes out from stop-and-go frustration.

One, unfortunately, was when my sister (who decided to join us last minute) had to help Ben pee in a cup – because there wasn’t much of a choice – didn’t go perfectly cleanly. Err …. eew. And the other right before we reached our destination and another car cut us off and we almost hit them. Luckily Matt is a very skilled crap-conditions driver and we avoided collision.

Once we got there, the day, which had supposed to have been nasty, was lovely and we had a few great hours of skiing. The kids were into it. The weather was perfect and other than some small incidents – Tabby’s pass got lost somewhere between the car and the slopes and Ben lost his ski on the first chairlift ride – it was great. We took a dip in the pool and hot tub before we went to our hotel room to get ready for dinner.

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Dinner was probably the easiest time. The kids went to the Kids’ Club and the adults had a nice dinner with multiple adult beverages and perfect viewing of the playoff game. Our allotted 3 hours went really quickly and we picked the kids up right around 9. When we got back to the hotel room, I gave the kids a choice of either sleeping on the floor “camping style!!!” with my much-coveted super-soft green blanket or in the other bed with Aunt Gaga.

My normally mild-mannered 6 year old decided then and there that this was a have-her-cake-and-eat-it-too situation and she was going to have both come hell or high water! So we were treated to another colossal meltdown courtesy of the other kiddo. Making this even more fun was the fact that we were in a hotel and had nowhere else to go and I was constantly worried we were disturbing everyone in the building and our friends next door in particular.

Finally after we threatened (and MEANT IT) to go home,  she calmed down and we all went to bed and got some halfway decent sleep.

The kids were up early as usual and we knew we might have a long drive back to Denver, so we decided to head out. We’d talked about having breakfast with friends before leaving, but when Matt checked the travel advisory site right before we left, he found that things were already looking grim and we bailed on breakfast and headed home.

2014-01-12 09.12.37-2Grim was a sort of understatement. We had intermittent white-out conditions with blowing snow and icy roads. The only saving grace was that we never had them at the same time. It was slow, white-knuckle driving. The kids, once again plugged into their DVDs, behaved very well and there were only a few very scary moments – one complete white out when I really thought we should just turn around. But once again, a 1 hour drive took us almost three going home.

So about 6 hours of driving for about 4 hours of skiing, 3 hours of adult time and a crappy night’s sleep. Really not a great ROI.

Once we got back, we had unpacking, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning to do which left us with no time to actually make progress on our house. It’s mostly our own fault, but that doesn’t make it any less irritating. At least the Broncos won.


Looking at 2014

2013 got derailed in a couple of ways, namely my new and markedly more intense job and Mom’s death. Between these two things, I’m impressed to have just survived the year, yet, when I look back on my 2013 resolutions, I didn’t do so badly. When adjusted for the handicaps of 2013, I will consider it a win.

So what does 2014 have in store for me? Good things, I hope.


I recently read The Five Love Languages of Children and took some time to chat with the kids about how/when they feel best loved by us. Quality time was the clear marker. They love reading, cooking and crafting together and going on outings and trips. With that and other things in mind:

  • make a concerted effort to do things with the kids – big and small
  • continue the tradition of Sunday night dinners with my dad, sister and grandma
  • get back in the habit of taking photos, even if it’s just with our phones
  • have date nights at least monthly with Matt
  • continue to encourage personal responsibility through chores and schoolwork


Since Mom passed away, I’ve put on about 5 lbs that add to some other slippage that had already occurred. Beyond losing a few pounds and getting my running back on track, I’d like to finish another triathlon. There’s a few other small areas I’d like to work on too:

  • the health and fitness stuff
  • finish another triathlon
  • run my 1/2 marathon in April in 2:15 or less
  • keep reading great books, 52 for the year
  • buy myself a few new clothes now and again – and not just workout clothes as I’d prefer
  • blog at least twice a week, including some of our family’s favorite new recipes

At Work

  • plan my week before it starts
  • finish the dang website before the end of January
  • meet my direct mail and press release goals

At Home

  • continue our excellent track record of at-home cooking for dinner
  • fill the freezer with extras so we don’t eat out for lunch (on weekends) as much
  • complete our move and organize the new house