Weekend Fun

2014-05-16 19.36.52We jam-packed this weekend – and it was great!

I took off work “early” on Friday (having only put in 47 hours for the week) and picked up Tabby from school. She has been wanting to have a mommy/daughter date for a while now and that was the plan for Friday night. We went to paint pottery then had dinner together. After that, we did a little shopping (T got a new outfit and I got a new pair of flip-flops my feet LOVE). Then we came home and made muffins and finished our evening off by a viewing of one of my all time favorite movies, Swiss Family Robinson. Continue reading “Weekend Fun”

Sugar Free Me


Since I took my new job, over a year ago (wow!) I’ve been slipping into some really bad habits. I’ve been exercising less and eating more junk. Sweets every day practically, sometimes a few times a day! And soda! Almost always diet, but who cares? It’s crap. I know better. And I don’t need it. Unfortunately, I have gained some weight. Boo.

Anyway, though things have leveled off some, I seem to go in spurts with exercise … great for two weeks and then everyone gotsick and it completely threw me off. Great for another week and then I end up working 55 hours two weeks back to back and it all went out the window again. And I’m tired of it. I have realized that while I may not have time to get myself to the gym as often as I’d like, I can always control what I eat. And while the goal is 80% or more whole foods, at this moment, I’m OK with less because of our evening commute situation. At least in the short term, a calorie is a calorie.

Continue reading “Sugar Free Me”

Back to the Dunes

dunesWe spent the weekend at what is undoubtedly my favorite places in Colorado – The Great Sand Dunes. I never get over how cool it is to find a GIANT pile of sand in the middle of the Rockies, brought together by a perfect storm of mountain placement and winds. And I think I love it even more now that we visit it as part of a camping trip. Continue reading “Back to the Dunes”

This Guy

DSC_5988My partner in crime turns 34 today. We were realizing recently that we’ve been together over 15 years and are rapidly approaching the point where we’ve known each other for longer than we haven’t! WOW.

We have had quite the year with a lot of firsts – some good and some pretty terrible. Through it all, we have weathered it together with a minimum of arguing and a whole heck-of-a-lot-of team cooperation.

Continue reading “This Guy”

Thinking of Mom

2014-05-08 06.35.33One misty moisty morning,
When cloudy was the weather,
I chanced to see an old man,
Dressed all in leather.

Dressed all in leather,
with a cap under his chin.
Say “How do ya do?”
and “How do ya do?”
and “How do ya do?” again.

– Quoted hundreds of times to us by
Mom, from a nursery rhyme –

House Update

2014-04-26 12.55.00It hasn’t been the easiest thing living so far away from our “home base.” The commute is brutal. But we’re getting there … and seeing the house take shape is great. It shows us we’re getting close!

We had our pre-drywall walk yesterday. It was pretty uneventful – just a couple of small things that needed to be added or corrected. They have to get through inspections and put up some insulation and the drywall dust will start flying.

Continue reading “House Update”


2014-02-23 09.56.07

I owe the interwebs (read: me, for posterity’s sake) a recap and gush on my newly-minted FIVE YEAR OLD. But the photos are stuck on my camera and I have been recovering from our crazy weekend. Who woulda thunk a weekend at home would have put me me even more behind on everything?? Oh well!

But for now I just want to share an experience we had with the kids last night. Matt and I have lots of discussions about parenting. We’re like any parents, just trying to raise good happy citizens, I suppose. We’ve been talking off and on about how we will help them acquire the mundane skills for completely unsexy things like bill paying and budget keeping and I think we both rather thought it was a ways off. And yet … we had to stop by the pet store last night for hedgehog litter and treats (mealworms) and we found an earlier opportunity.

Continue reading “Lessons”