We Found Lost Lake

2016-06-30 18.59.29 HDRWe took Friday off to do our second backpacking trip of the season.

Since it was mostly overcast and rainy and I only had my iPhone, my photos are not up to snuff – many of them grainy and blurry. But you work with what you’ve got.

2016-07-01 18.12.14 HDRWe went to Lost Lake, a 1.7 mile (each way) hike from the Hessie trail head with a the other families we backpack with.

2016-07-01 12.40.23 HDRWe arrived later on Thursday and stayed up all day Friday, completing a 7 mile day hike with amazing views like this

2016-07-01 10.58.34 HDRand this

2016-06-30 19.05.10 HDRand this. It rained, but not enough to dampen our spirits – just some of our equipment.

2016-07-02 09.57.39-1We briefly lost one of the kids on the hike, but other than that, this was the worst incident we had, which was on the way out. Ben’s big backpack took him down hard and he came up with a piece of gravel embedded in his forehead (ouch). But after just a few tears and some assurances from his buddies that he’d have “a cool Harry Potter scar.” He was just fine.

2016-07-02 09.17.46-1 HDROld Man Loki continues to enjoy his forays into nature, but was so exhausted when we got home Saturday that he’s been sleeping pretty much since then.

It was a great spot to camp and we’d love to go back again next year.