2016 Resolutions


While I understand that January 1 (11th) is a pretty arbitrary time to look over one’s life, assess and resolve to change, there is a part of me who likes the “clean slate” of the new year.

Once again, I don’t really feel like I have any truly hard fast resolutions … and maybe that’s probably setting me up for failure (goals are supposed to be specific, measurable and come with a time limit), but I don’t really feel like hard fast goals are where I’m at right now.

But a few ideals I want to strive for:

  • be kind, to myself and those around me, slower to anger, to judgement, to assume
  • less work (work work and house work) and more leisure … and I don’t mean planned leisure (camping, having friends over), I mean leisure leisure … doing NOTHING!
  • more blogging and photography and creating in general … I didn’t do so much of these this year, and I missed it
  • more treat yo self – walking at the park during lunch, a nice hot shower before bed, a walk around the ‘hood, hot tea
  • run my half marathon

I’m overall really happy with the way life is going. I feel blessed beyond measure and I’m very very grateful.