Snow Driving

After driving in snow storms for the past few days, I decided I would do us all a public service and offer up some tips on driving in the snow.

1. Like normal driving, it is adviseable to stay more than 1 foot away from the car in front of you.
2. I know it's a shock, because I've seen so many of you do it, but it is not best to get up a slick hill by gunning your car and spinning your tires … this only wastes gas.
3. Ditto getting out of ditches.
4. Changing lanes suddenly is even less of a good idea in the snow.
5. Having four-wheel drive does not make you invincible nor does it give you super powers.
6. Speed LIMITs really are applicable… strange but true.
7. And finally … snow, ice and slush are SLICK.