Mama’s Day

img144This Mother’s Day is pretty bittersweet for me. It is the first one where I don’t have a mother to celebrate with. I am missing her like crazy and reflecting on the amazing mother and grandmother she was. DSC_1752

I am proud that her legacy lives on in the way that I mother my own kiddos. I find myself frequently doing as she did and I am proud. She is my measuring stick for the hardest job in the world and it is a tall order to live up to her awesome example.

2014-03-01 12.48.20But it has been lovely celebrating with my own sweet family. My kids are kind and loving and appreciative every day, but I’ve been showered with a host of the most charming goodies crafted by their own little hands – cards and pictures and necklaces and bracelets – and more hugs and kisses than I can count.

I am cherishing my time with them, and trying to appreciate every wonderful moment we get! I am so glad I made the most of my time with my mom and I am determined to do the same with my own kiddos.

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