Weekend Wrap-Up

2014-02-23 17.05.50

It was  good, kinda fun, “normal” weekend. I say normal to mean what most people think of as a normal weekend. Leaving town to go skiing or camping is plenty normal for us.

My sister hosted Bunco Friday night. Only four (of 12!!) of us showed up. I had some righteous indignation over flakiness and then let it go. The kids were home with Matt, having McDonald’s and playing with their friends who (now) live across the street.

Saturday, Matt took the kids to karate and Kelly and I went to my Dad’s house to go through more of Mom’s things. More clothes, bags, scarves, jewelry, toiletries, and on and on. It was probably a little easier than last time, but still hard. Matt had dropped off the kids to me after karate so he could go do a little work on the old house and when we were done, we tried to go to the new Trader Joes, but the ridiculous wait times (25 min just to check out!!) combined with a meltdown, sent us to alternative groceries.

We spent the balance of Saturday at home just chilling. I finished my book and we did some picking up. We were probably in bed by 10:30.

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Sunday morning, Matt left for a massage and some more work on the house and I went out to my funky little workout room to run. I left the kids inside to finish their breakfast and clean their room. They did very well, aside from Tabby wanting to take over.

After Matt got back, we met up with some friends for lunch at our favorite fish & chips place and a trip to the museum. It was nice to have the kids out and about and engaged. A really great day.

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Post museum, we zipped by our site to check out our newly formed walls. They look great and we’re really getting a sense of our house on the lot. The kids were really into it, despite Tabby’s expression in this photo (she refused to wear a jacket and was therefore cold). Then we had a lovely Sunday dinner with Papa and Gaga and then home for bed.

Tabby unfortunately woke up in the middle of the night feeling pukey. So she is not at school today, but rather, is hanging at home with Daddy. Poor kiddo.

So I got an awful lot of the things on my to-do list checked off. We had some fun. We tried something new – though it wasn’t the ambitious Beef Wellingtons – just a variation on a Costco staple (pulled smoked pork) with a slide of apple slaw. I finished my book. I got my “long run” done. We checked out the house. We got ahead of the cooking. Now it’s just a short week ’til we head up the mountain to celebrate Tabby turning 7.

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