Whaddup Weekend?

We are home again this weekend! And I have plans!

  1. Do some fun photogging with the kiddos. Feel like my camera hasn’t been getting a work out lately and the kiddos are getting big before my eyes!! Tabby is turning 7 a week from Tuesday!! lego_movie
  2. Get out and have some real fun: check out our new Trader Joes, see the Home & Garden Show or the Lego movie … or our newly expanded Science and Nature Museum. Lots of good choices!
  3. Get all the lingering cardboard boxes of random crap gone. beef wellingtons
  4. Make something NEW for dinner! Like these mini beef wellingtons from Jamie Oliver. mmmmmm
  5. Go for a “long” run, i.e. 5 miles. Sad that that is long at the moment, but I’m going to make a comeback! Really!2014-02-19 18.54.08
  6. Sew the freaking patches on the kids’ karate uniforms. Already lost the first set somewhere in a moving box and replacing them cost us $40 ($40?! for patches!!!) But, apparently they cannot test for their belts without these magical patches. And they are ready to test! Wonder where my sewing stuff is in our friends’ basement?!
  7. Actually catch up on all that financial stuff. For real. anna
  8. Finish reading Anna and the French Kiss. It’s only been on my list for about 3 years now.
  9. Take our poor neglected dog to the dog park … assuming it doesn’t get too nasty out. Seems no one can agree on what our weather is supposed to be like this weekend.
  10. Do a bunch of that cooking stuff so we don’t eat poorly in the upcoming week.2014-02-20 17.09.43
  11. Obsess over the construction of our house.
  12. And maybe, just maybe, a little extra sleep.

One Reply to “Whaddup Weekend?”

  1. Hooray for weekends at home! I saw the beef wellingtons when you posted them, and couldn’t decide what I thought. I’d love to know how they are 🙂 Oh, and I heart Trader Joe’s. I wish I could take their frozen stuff home with me, but it’s too far 🙁

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