Working It in More Ways than One

2013-04-04 22.17.37 Tonight I had a new experience in multitasking and it was awesome. We had a busy evening because swimming doesn’t end for another week and soccer started up this week so we are in OVERLAP. Not my fave. We didn’t get home until after seven and we ate dinner and did the normal household managing stuff.

After the kids headed to bed, I had some stuff to do and I also wanted to get a workout in. The work I needed to do first was mostly reading … PDFs, white papers, and the like. So I decided to read and hit the treadmill at the same time. I pumped my running playlist and walked along at a nice clip at a good incline. I made notes using the voice recorder (it mutes my music while I blather) as I went along and whenever a particularly good song came on, I took a break to sprint.

It was definitely a good use of my time, but the mental clarity and creative energy I felt was off the charts. I always feel so mentally clear and effervescent during and after a run and this was even better because it was directed at my specific task.

I think I want a treadmill in my office. Wonder how badly I’d bother my coworkers.

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