

We spent the weekend at my Aunt and Uncle’s mountain house. We had a wonderful time. Unfortunately, we had to beat it back to Denver to handle a ton of things and get Matt ready to leave for his business trip.

06:30 – Got up with the kids and stared getting packed up.

07:30 – Made breakfast for the group

08:00 – Consumed breakfast, started cleaning up the kitchen.

08:30 – Clean up, pack up, make beds, load car.

09:30 – Hit the road.

11:30 – Arrive at our lunch destination (yay!), eat lunch.

12:15 – Head to the grocery store for a few items.

13:00 – Arrive home. Naptime for the kids. Matt and I unpack the car.


13:30 – I make brownie truffle pops for a surprise for the kids on Valentine’s day and work on Tabby’s b’day invites. Matt works on cleaning up the house and laundry.

15:00 – We watch an ep of Big Bang Theory and fold laundry.


15:30 – Tabby is up from “nap” and we work on her Valentines.

16:00 – We start on Tabby’s homework, Ben gets up from nap.

16:30 – Matt heads out to pick up Loki, I start dinner. We continue on Tabby’s homework.

17:15 – Matt arrives home, Ben sets the table and feeds Loki.

17:30 – We eat dinner.

18:00 – We clean up the kitchen. Tabby packs her lunch, then finishes her homework. Ben heads off to clean up his room.

18:15 – Tabby heads off to clean up her room, Matt and I continue prepping for the coming day.

18:30 – The kids get ready for bed and we check on the hedgehogs and give them some love (and food).

19:00 – We read books and the kids head to bed.

19:15 – Matt heads to the airport. I snuggle a tearful Ben.

19:30 – I finish up Tabby’s birthday invites, watch an ep of Parenthood.

20:30 – I hop on the treadmill for a workout and finish last week’s ep of Biggest Loser.

21:10 – I lay out my clothes and pack my bags for tomorrow.


20:20 – I check on the kids and take a few photos of them sleeping. They are adorable.

21:30 – I settle in to download photos of the camera and blog, watch an ep of Sherlock.

22:30 – I pass out, ready to wake up in just a few short hours.

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