I Have Nothing to Say

Or nothing worth expanding into its own post anyhow. Here’s what’s going on:

  1. Ben has been sick for like 2 weeks … we finally took him to the pediatrician and she thinks he’s just unlucky and caught back to back illnesses. Matt isn’t feeling too well either.
  2. I’ve been working a lot. No real complaints, but I’m not quite as much fun when I’ve got work on the brain 24/7.
  3. I forgot to buy onions last week. There are a lot of things that are pretty hard to cook without onions. Just saying.
  4. I’m really really tired. Ben keeps waking up in the middle of the night and I don’t think any of us has gotten more than about 3 hours of sleep at a time in 2 weeks. It’s a bit like having a newborn again. But at least he can use the toilet!
  5. It’s getting cold and I can’t find one of my favorite jackets.
  6. I’m seriously sick of politics. And I’m sick of how it invades EVERYTHING. Like Facebook, and my answering machine and my mailbox!!
  7. Been reading such good books lately.  Joshilyn Jackson is awesome. Check her stuff out – you’ll thank me later
  8. OMG seriously with the tired. I am starting to wonder if I have mono or chronic wasting disease or something.

One Reply to “I Have Nothing to Say”

  1. Ugh.
    I hear you. Especially with the tiredness. I think it’s the light and the somewhat more foul weather and my own attitude. Either that, or I need to start going to bed earlier.
    As for the onions, I think I would have gone back to the store 😉

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