Breakfast Burritos for the Freezer

Daddy got to pick out breakfasts this week and (surprise, surprise) he chose breakfast burritos. Technically, I’ve already posted a recipe for breakfast burritos, but we’ve changed things up a bit since we first started making these bad boys, so here’s what we do now.

Breakfast Burritos

  • 18 flour tortillas (we buy Market Pantry low-carb)
  • 18 eggs
  • 1/2 package hashbrowns
  • 2 lbs chorizo sausage (if you can find Boulder Sausage Company, you win!)
  • 1 cup or so cheese
  • salsa to serve, if desired

We realized after years of making up all the ingredients and tediously filling each burrito with each ingredient that we could do this much more efficiently if we just mixed them together in a hash. So we prepare the eggs (scrambled and mixed in with the cheese at the last mo), chorizo (browned) and hashbrowns (browned) and then mix them all together.

Once we have the hash, we line up pieces of foil on the counter and lay out the tortillas, top them with the filling and roll them up for the freezer or fridge. Don’t forget to label. The whole process took us less than an hour to make 18 burritos. That will feed Matt and the kids all week with a couple leftover for me. When you want to eat them, you can just open the burrito and nuke it for about a minute. If you want to reheat for many, place in a warmed oven right in the foil. 400 for ~30 minutes.