Entering the Zone

So maybe I mentioned that I’m doing something new to start off the new year. I am heading into THE ZONE. My beloved gym is hosting a fitness challenge running from Jan 9 thru Feb 3. We will be recording our workouts and food choices for that period and tracking what kind of changes we can make in our bodies. We have two ways of eating to choose from: Paleo or The Zone. I chose the Zone, mainly because it seems a bit less restrictive, though I will admit that Paleo intrigues me.

Anyhow, The Zone is a way of eating that advocates adequate protein for your body, based on the amount of lean mass you have, and then a matching portion of good carbohydrates and good fats. It’s not unlimited bacon and cheese and no fruit like with Atkins, but the carbs are pretty limited. I really have no expectations on what I will get out of this, but I want to try it. The Zone authors promise fat loss, weight loss, better mental acuity and generally better health. For that? Why not try it? Coming into the two races I most want to do well in this year, I could definitely use a few less pounds to drag around.

So far it’s just taken me quite a bit longer to get my meals ready for work and to figure out what we’re having for dinner all week, but I think it will get easier as time goes on. The good news is that we already eat healthfully so a lot of the things we normally eat can be made zone-friendly with just a few minor changes, mostly reducing carbs (less or no rice, pasta, bread).

For example, yesterday I ate:


  • 2/3 C oatmeal
  • 1/2 C berries
  • scoop of protein powder
  • 1 T flax seed
  • 2 egg whites

2 Snacks (one morning, one afternoon)

  • half an apple
  • a piece of string cheese


  • salad greens
  • a few olives
  • 3 oz of chicken breast
  • 1/2 cup of lentils
  • 1/2 cup of berries


Now it just takes some discipline and a hefty dose of planning and execution.

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