That’s My BOY!

I’ve said many times over that one of the best things about having more than one kid is comparing and contrasting them. I don’t mean this in a “your sister would never do that!” sort of way. I mean in an it’s fascinating to see how they’re different sort of way. Obviously they both share the same two people’s DNA and they’re raised by the same two people, but nonetheless, they’re amazingly dissimilar. In some ways it makes me want to have another just to see another interesting and amazing permutation.

I honestly used to think that all differences between boys and girls were the result of socialization. I still believe that certain things are but there is absolutely no denying the BOYNESS of my boy. At 9 months old, he was saying “vrooooom!” as he raced a car, a block, nearly anything across the floor. He has had incredible aim when throwing since about 10 months old. He walked at 10 months and ran shortly after. He conquered the water slide a full two years before his cautious sister. He climbs EVERYTHING and turns our living room into an obstacle course. He loves to be dirty. He learned to slide out the back end of his plasma car while going top speed in my dad’s garage. I expect him any day to run out back and fire up the grill.

After all, he has a penchant for cooking as well. Check this out:

That would be his mac ‘n’ cheese, spiced with green crayon (which he was using to feed himself).

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