The Weekend o’ Projects

Wow! What a weekend. We are usually quite productive but I must say, even I’m a bit in awe at what we accomplished this weekend. Thursday we found out that our friends needed us to watch their boys from Friday night through mid-day Saturday. They are great kids and play so well with ours we never mind. So Saturday morning, after Breakfast Creme Brulee, we sent the kids down to the playroom and watched them on the video monitor while we went nuts on the kitchen. We cleaned out the pantry (way way overdue) and also dumped out and organized three drawers. In the garage, we cleaned out and organized the garage pantry (i.e. Costco Overflow) and cleaned up the area in front of it to make it easier to access. It was punctuated by interruptions by kids, but we got a LOT accomplished in a relatively small amount of time.

After cleaning, we fed the kids lunch and took them to the park. It was a GORGEOUS 82 degrees on Saturday and perfect for an expedition to the park. Matt even got a little sun. When we got home, our kids went down for naps and our friends’ boys waited for their parents who were on their way.

That evening we went out for dinner with my parents and sister. We got home and went to bed relatively early since we had a running date on Sunday morning. My sister watched the kids while we ran (the less said about that, probably, the better) then after a flying shower, I took Tabby to a birthday party and then to the grocery store while Matt and Ben went to Home Depot and Lowes. Then we met back up for lunch and one last errand.

During lunch it started to snow (and why not? it was 82 the day before) which made it perfect weather for napping. After the kids went down, Matt and I made a new home for our garden starts. We cleared an area in his shop and installed shelving and a fluorescent light fixture to “sun” them. Then wen the kids got up, we spent a very fun 45 min or so planting seedlings. Tabby got to use her much beloved watering can we got her for her 2nd birthday and Ben got to play in the dirt. It must have been pretty interesting for Tabby because the first thing she asked this morning was to see the plants. Of course there’s not much to see just yet.

After gardening time, we made dinner … salmon bowls (recipe to come soon) again. Last time I made the mistake of telling Tabby that the seaweed was, well SEAWEED and she wouldn’t eat it. This time I described it as “nori” and she discovered she rather likes the sweet umami taste. Ben ate everything but the rice.

Once dinner was over, Tabby wanted to play computer games in the playroom, so we set her up and monitored her from upstairs where we did the great clothing clean-out in both kids’ rooms. We got out all the too smalls and re-organized everything: drawers, closets, shoe racks. They look sooo much better. By the time that was all done, it was bedtime for the kids.

For our finale, we folded all but one load of laundry and then crashed into bed exhausted. We were both very pleased with all we accomplished this weekend. You know you’re an official adult when you’re all jazzed by the amount of housework you accomplished. Sheesh. Hope you had a good one.