Mama’s Day Off

I asked Matt and the kids not to get me anything and instead, I gave myself a few b’day presents. I bought some stuff off Etsy (a vintage pickle jar, some headbands for running and some cloth napkins) and some new PJs at Target. But the biggest gift I gave myself was a day off.

It was oddly hard to get over the guilt of 8+ hours of uninterrupted “me time.” I felt bad about sending the kids off to our sitter while I played, but then I reasoned with myself that I hang with them every Friday, so I got over it.

It was a very nice, super relaxing day. I got up at my normal early hour and instead of beating it to work on the double, I drove up to a trailhead and had a 10 mile run. It was very nice not to have the clock hanging over my head. It was a new trail, beautiful and wonderful weather. I even saw two blue herrings in a tree on my way back.

When I got home I skipped the shower and jumped right into a craft project. I wanted to use my new Silhouette to make a couple of things … I made two, one turned out. The gals at HowDoesShe? are always making cute signs out of decoupaged 2x4s. Since our neighborhood is a magnet for door-to-door salespeople, I’ve wanted a no soliciting sign for a long time. My awesome Aunt Peggy has had a sign that reads “No offense, but no solicitors, religious or otherwise.” on her door for as long as I can remember and so I fashioned my own version. It was a lot of fun. It still needs to be hung up though.

After crafty time, I had lunch with my sweetie. Then I finally had a shower and settled in to listen to my audio book for a while and play some solitaire. I think I napped for a while and maybe goofed around on the internet.

It all went by very very fast. I had a great time, but I was happy to see my kiddos … and Matt too.

One Reply to “Mama’s Day Off”

  1. Sounds like a great bday I've never taken my birthday off, I think mostly because it's in January and I feel like there is already so much time off just taken.

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