Things are going on as normal around here. It snowed last night and gave my ABS a good workout on the way into work this AM, but it didn't take too long. My health is improving and last night we got almost all of the food made up for Bunco tomorrow night. Tonight I can just spiff up the house a bit and that will be that. Matt has been a huge help (he always is) and thank goodness for that since I am a bit pathetic at standing for too long after a long day and moving around my stand mixer and such.
Miss Tabby is a bit off her schedule. She didn't want to nap when I got home from work last night and she was about ready for bed when we were eating dinner. But otherwise, she seems to be mostly healthy again aside from a little cough. Her sitter described her behavior yesterday as “onery.” I think she was darn glad to get out of the house and have a bit of fun somewhere else.
I am seeing my OB today. Well actually not my OB, since she is on some mysterious extended leave (hope she's OK) but should be back before the end of the month, but my NP. I have seen her for the last two or three visits. No big deal except that I wanted to get my OB's take on vbac vs. scheduled C since I still haven't decided. And the zillions of stories on the net about zealots raging against the medical machine haven't been a lot of help in the decision making process (where have all the normal people gone??). I also get to toast almost 29 weeks with a giant glug of that orange stuff and a couple of needles in my arm. Yay!
Now if I can just remember not to mainline the Valentine's day candy that's invaded the office and pass. Happy Wednesday.
If you don't mind me asking, what was the reason for your C-section with Tabby? I tried for a VBAC with Noah, and unfortunately it just didn't happen. I really wanted it, but I also went in there knowing there was a good chance I'd end up having one. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a note! This time around I have no choice 🙁 C-section it is.
I also have no choice… pelvis is just too small… but so far I have known a lot who have tried for a vbac- but it just didn't work out for them… their docs were very cool in letting them try…
but I don't get to do that nasty orange drink… cheer for gastric bypass lol…
Glad all the food is ready.
And you and Tabby are feeling better.
Wow snow. We had the 60's here yesterday and late 50's today.
Uch that dreaded test. Good luck!
Can' believe you are so close.
There are certainly pros and cons with either way and, yeah, I am one who would say let your trusted provider help you in knowing the facts to make the decision right for you. Nothing makes me more squirrely than a patient who allows the internet to make their decision for them when the think they are 'informed' by some of the most insane sources. Sounds like you have a wise take on that.
Good luck avoiding the Valentine's candy…that is one thing I fall to every time.
Hope your orange-drink day and bunco night went well!!
I was happy that my ob had such a strong anti-vbac stance. He basically said (in a more doctorly way), it is rare for things to go wrong, but when they do, it's bad. Nuf said!
Hope you get to talk to your doctor soon. It would drive me crazy to have to wait so long to know how the baby would be delivered!