
2014-02-23 09.56.07

I owe the interwebs (read: me, for posterity’s sake) a recap and gush on my newly-minted FIVE YEAR OLD. But the photos are stuck on my camera and I have been recovering from our crazy weekend. Who woulda thunk a weekend at home would have put me me even more behind on everything?? Oh well!

But for now I just want to share an experience we had with the kids last night. Matt and I have lots of discussions about parenting. We’re like any parents, just trying to raise good happy citizens, I suppose. We’ve been talking off and on about how we will help them acquire the mundane skills for completely unsexy things like bill paying and budget keeping and I think we both rather thought it was a ways off. And yet … we had to stop by the pet store last night for hedgehog litter and treats (mealworms) and we found an earlier opportunity.

Continue reading “Lessons”

Style Book: Workout Room


We are having an optional space built above our garage. They call it a carriage house, others call it a bonus room. It’s a nice space, sort of like a studio apartment. It has a room with a walk-in closet and bathroom attached. It has a small alcove for a built-in wet bar (ours will not have this, at least initially). In some plans, it has a walk out patio. We did not opt for this because we didn’t feel it would get proper use.

We didn’t have a clear plan for this room, but we knew it was way cheaper to add extra room now than it would be down the line. So we took our time deciding what we’d do with it. We thought a bit about using it for Matt’s office. It would work well for that since it would be away from the hubbub of the main house, but for now, it’s a bit too far from our kids who are home in the afternoons and are still pretty little and need some oversight. We also decided Matt and I having separate office spaces was a waste of space since I don’t work from home a lot. We thought about it as a guest room. That idea was nice too, but we didn’t really want to dedicate any one space for guests* since we don’t host people overnight very often and it seems a waste to pigeon-hole that much space to only be used for a few days every year. Others suggested it as a kids’ family room or a media room, but we’d rather keep those activities a bit closer to the main activity of the house.

Continue reading “Style Book: Workout Room”

The Life o’ Jess

2014-04-19 11.29.55I’ve seriously considered bagging the whole blog a couple of times … as  you might guess when I haven’t had time to post in two weeks. Gah. It’s not anti blog, it’s just so full of EVERYTHING ELSE. And while we’re always going to be busy, I can see a time, a couple of months from now, when we aren’t spending two hours of each week day transporting the kids to and from school, when I will have time for this again. I don’t want to let it go. There’s too much good.

Continue reading “The Life o’ Jess”