On Overwhelm

I’m pretty sure I look like that bike.

I’m kind of on overwhelm right now. It’s been a huge week for me at work. And even when the huge things weren’t happening, lots of teeny things were happening all at once. Plop that on a background where my darling hubby is traveling for work and I’m one hot mess. So I am phoning it in this week.

I served the kids frozen meatballs (I did nuke them first) topped with marinara (from the jar – there is no other kind at my house). They liked it so much they’re having it again for lunch today.

I am having the kids do every little thing I can think for them to do … putting Loki in his box in the morning and taking him back out, getting the mail from the mailbox, unloading the silverware basket, ferrying objects upstairs and downstairs, feeding the dog various leftovers from our fridge which are not technically spoiled yet, just a bit past their prime, etc. Dang they’re useful.

I was pretty peeved when I noticed that they moved pizza and applesauce day from Friday to TUESDAY (i.e. yesterday, i.e. we already missed it) at Ben’s school, but Tabby will be more than happy when she learns that I am allowing her to purchase hot lunch on Friday.

Tabby has climbing class tonight and while she is there and Ben is at child-mind, I am going to swim with some girlfriends. I honestly don’t care if we swim or sit in the hot tub, but it will be relaxing and nice. Afterwards, it will be late and we will be totally off our schedule so we’re either going thru the drivethru or we’re eating the meatballs and marinara again.

The house looks like someone tossed it looking for drug money.

I’ve had some pretty good victories this week though, plenty at work, but some on the homefront too. I haven’t missed a workout yet, even if my run this AM was a paltry 25 minutes. The kids are happy and arguably healthier than when they were turned over to me (Ben is almost over his cold). I have remembered everything the kids have needed for school, including random things like picture day forms and an apple.

I would never want to do this on my own, but it’s nice to know I can handle it.