Weekend Victory

Well it was a darn fine weekend if I do say so myself. We packed tons in and I must confess that by 9 PM last night I was about on my last legs. I feel OK this morning but I can’t help but wonder what I’ll feel like this afternoon.

Sunday was our FOURTH half marathon and my best yet (PR). I clocked a time of just over 2:18, 12 minutes better than my performance last October. It was a fun race with a course I enjoyed and the conditions (despite dire predictions) weren’t bad, with the exception of WIND. Nasty wind. It was occasionally at our backs, but mostly it beat us from the side or even head on (usually when heading up hill, I swear!!). I also got a nasty side-stitch around mile 10 that slowed me down some. Still all in all, I clocked some sub 10 splits and felt reasonably good for most of the run. Matt and I ran the whole thing together and it was fun for a change. We actually have the exact same chip time, down to the second.

The after party, as promised, was great. Plenty of good food and fun times hanging out with our training buddies. I also happened upon a friend from grade school and high school and her family. I hadn’t seen her in over 10 years!

There was loads of other fun stuff, including a trip to one of my favorite breakfast spots, Snooze, a fine pre-race dinner and other fun with the kiddos and Matt, but I will save that for another day. Right now I’m still riding my PR high.

Three More Sleeps …

Sunday morning at 9 AM I will be ready and rearing to go for my FOURTH half marathon. I started training late, but I’ve been strong. I will be happy if I can just match my pace from October, 2:30 ish, but I will be elated if I can knock off 5 or (dare to dream) 10 minutes. It might be doable. I’ve had some good training runs.

The forecast looks decent. My body is strong. My sneakers are laced up. I’ve got great people to run with. I’ve got a player full of great music and a new book. Fingers crossed, folks. I’m really looking forward to this race.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

Ben at 23 Months

My forgotten second child sneaked into his 24th month with hardly a nod from me. Seriously, where did March go??? As he quickly approaches two, I have been amazed by his changes. We had our friends’ boys over this past weekend and it was like all of a sudden, he’s one of the kids. He no longer just plays at being one of them, he IS one of them. It’s quite amazing and sudden.

I’ve also noticed a marked improvement in his vocabulary. We have a couple picture/word books that he loves to go through with us or Tabby. He points and says the word or waits for us to supply it. Sometimes he’ll mimic what we say, other times he just files it away only to bring it out again a few days later. Owing to this and that I hadn’t been through the book with him in a couple of weeks and suddenly he’d gone from knowing about 10% of the words to about 40% of them.

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Salmon Rice Bowls

When we lived in Nashville, we frequented a little place off of Division St., right near Vanderbilt called Ken’s Sushi. It’s definitely not the fanciest place but it has good pretty cheap eats and my favorite Japanese entree I’ve ever had, Sakegohan. It’s a rice bowl with seaweed and salmon and some sauce. I’ve never seen it anywhere else and so I have only get to have the super yummy salmon bowl when we got back to Nashville and managed to make it to Ken’s.

So when I saw the salmon rice bowl idea featured on Dinner a Love Story, I was more than a little intrigued. So we tried it out – well our own version anyway – and while it isn’t EXACTLY a Sakegohan, it’s darn good – a keeper.

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The Weekend o’ Projects

Wow! What a weekend. We are usually quite productive but I must say, even I’m a bit in awe at what we accomplished this weekend. Thursday we found out that our friends needed us to watch their boys from Friday night through mid-day Saturday. They are great kids and play so well with ours we never mind. So Saturday morning, after Breakfast Creme Brulee, we sent the kids down to the playroom and watched them on the video monitor while we went nuts on the kitchen. We cleaned out the pantry (way way overdue) and also dumped out and organized three drawers. In the garage, we cleaned out and organized the garage pantry (i.e. Costco Overflow) and cleaned up the area in front of it to make it easier to access. It was punctuated by interruptions by kids, but we got a LOT accomplished in a relatively small amount of time.

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