2010 Baby!

Well our 2010 has gotten off to a good start. We had a very low key New Year's celebration at my parents' house. Tabby had her first sleepover guest (our best friends' oldest boy). And we celebrated my grandma's 87th birthday!! Today we head for the hills for a week of skiing and CHILLING. I am most looking forward to the chilling.

The past buncha weeks (months?) have been almost a blur with the holidays and the basement remodel and the sickies. I needs me a break, big time! I've got a couple of new games and a couple of books from the library and like a dozen DVDs and I want to veg and play with the kids and ski and I'm sooo looking forward to this!!

As for 2009 … awesome year! I wouldn't say everything went perfect, but we added Ben to our family and that itself makes it a bold-typeface year. Things aside from that fact have honestly been pretty awesome too. I feel so blessed … seems so many had a really rough year and we just haven't. I don't want to apologize, but I am sincerely, honestly, truly grateful.

And as for 2010, I'm looking forward to it. Tabby turns 3 in March and we hope to put her into preschool in June or so (I also assume she'll finally potty train sometime this year). And Ben, of course, will be a year old and walking and talking and such.

Matt and I turn (gulp!) 30 this year! And to celebrate we are running at least one half marathon in April and would really like to run a second (the Disney World one) in September. I like resolutions, even if I do break them. This year I'm resolving to:

• Get rid of my baby weight. I've got way more left than I feel like I should and I want it gone. Like now. But I'll settle for soon.
• Get back into our routine of cooking at home for almost all meals. This has been obliterated in the craziness of the past few months.
• Care a bit less about how my house looks and how things are running and spend more time with my kiddos. They're only young for so long!!

There are about 100 other things I'd like to improve upon, but I've got plenty on my plate with those. The rest will (or not) come in due time.

Welcome 2010!