Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Here's what we did this weekend:

• Christmas shopping at the craziest mall in the city (me and Mom)
• tried to stave off a cold by going to bed on Friday at 8:30 (me)
• took Tabby to her dance class (Matt)
• painted ornaments at Into the Fire (me)
• stained all the trimwork and doors (Matt and Dad)
• basically finished all of the Christmas shopping (me and Kelly)
• took our family Christmas card photo (the whole family, plus Kelly manning the camera) – incidentally, it is impossible to get a photo of ALL of us that I love and we even cut Loki from it this year in the spirit of simplification … so sorry, dogger
• made the photo into a Christmas Card and directed Premium Postcard to send them out (me)
• got very little in the way of naps (the kids)
• cleaned out the refrigerator (me)
• spent about 2 hours cleaning the house with no real noticeable progress (me)
• got all dressed up like adults and went to the company Christmas party (Matt and me)
• had too much wine (me)
• spent over $200 at Target (me)
• made 4 trips to Home Depot (Matt)
• stayed up 'til 2 AM on Monday morning working on Christmas cards and letting my brain come to rest (me)

It's going to be a loooong Monday.

The Chaos

A few of the goings on in my house:

Laundry in literal piles all over the house. Most of it is clean, some of it is not. It is mixed up and unfolded and generally driving me mad. My awesome, sweet mommy fixed this for me last night. She also watched my kids and got my Benj back to sleep after his teething-induced crying jag.
• Cleaning lady turned her education into a bonafide job after 6 months of searching. Yay for her, but boo for us because we have drywall dust and dog hair everywhere and no one to clean it up. Well I guess we could, but it's crazy around here, no joke.
• We were supposed to take a Christmas photo of the whole fam this weekend in scenic Vail. Never happened. Need to do it and then get the cards mailed. Like soon. Luckily thanks to snow and freezing temps, it is scenic here too if bloody cold.
• The basement needs painted like now so our contractor can finish. We (and my dad and sister, mom watching kids) made a good start on it the last two nights. All of the ceilings, except the stairs and both big rooms have their first coats. But of course, there is a ways to go still.
• Christmas shopping is about 50% done … maybe. And that is all thanks to the beauty of the internets. I have bought about 4 things from actual stores and I thought I'd go insane every time I had to do so. So yea, kinda behind.
• Tile for bathroom is on a ship making its way from Italy to Florida, supposed to arrive today. Receiving company only ships on Thursday (?!) … will they ship today or the following Thursday?? Who knows?! No one, apparently.
• We finally have a working home computer again. Cuz I really wanted to spend $700 right now. At least Matt is very happy with it and I can get him back to scanning paperwork and earning his keep (ha!).
• Garage door is still broken because I don't really want to spend another $500 right now. Negative temps make closing manually even more fun than usual.
• Ben is cutting teeth and cranky as hell about it. He usually barely wakes up at night to have his bottle but two nights ago, he replaced that with an hour-long screaming fit. Had another, shorter one last night. I even tried Jack. Not sure if it helped or not.
• I have not been to the gym since LAST Thursday and have not run since Friday. This is not good at all.
• Have had a couple more terrible headaches, likely stress-related. Do NOT enjoy these.
• Have holiday festivities and other miscellaneous events pretty much every single Friday and Saturday from here 'til New Years. Also need to figure out how to fit in a visit to Zoo Lights.

I will love the basement when it's done. I will love the basement when it's done. I will love the basement when it's done. Thank God we have such great help around here. No clue how we'd do it otherwise.

Fifth Annual Cookie Weekend


It has been a bit of insanity at my house the past couple of days. But I won’t go into that. I’ll focus on the good stuff … Cookie Weekend! For the fifth time, we made the trek to Vail with my parents, sister, and our friends and their boys to bake cookies, ski (theoretically), watch movies and generally have a good time.


The snow was … meh. None of the adults got on the slopes at all, but the kids had a great time. Matt took Tabby to a ski shop and got her outfitted with gear on Saturday. Then on Sunday morning, we went to the bunny slopes and got things rolling. Tabby was a bit hesitant at first, scared of going too fast and not being in control of the situation. She had packed it in and taken off her skis when she suddenly decided to try again. This time, with a lot of help from her Auntie Holly (who held onto the back of her skis and kept her from going too fast), she got the hang of it. Before long, she was making good progress and having fun. I look forward to seeing how she progresses this winter.

As for cookies, we baked a ton. I think it might have been an all-time-high in cookie production. We didn’t time things very well with decorating sugar cookies. We had planned to get the kids involved and it ended up being mostly just Holly and me by the end. I was tired and punchy and started decorating the amputee gingerbread men with head-wound bandages. A bit macabre, probably, but highly amusing to me (at least at the time).

The kids had a great time playing together (they always do) and there was very little whining, tattling or fighting. Ben loved watching everyone and taking things in and he also discovered his love for French rolls, which I am guessing helped his poor little gums, since he, like his sister, is working on cutting about 4 teeth at once.

I would probably not classify it as relaxing, but it was a nice weekend.

Tabby: 2.75

I am this close to having a 3 year old on my hands!! Yikes! I have no idea how long it’s been since I last did one of these little updates on Miss Tabby, but I know that even in the past month, we’ve seen some remarkable changes in her.

The closer she inches towards THREE (3!!) the more she seems to leave babyhood behind and become a little girl. It is awesome and a bit bittersweet to behold. Recently, we’ve really noticed her attention span increasing. She can suddenly sit down and do a 30 piece puzzle start to finish. She will paint seemingly forever if we let her. She seems to listen and mind and follow through so much more easily and consistently. It is very cool!

We’ve also noticed some big leaps in her cognitive and verbal skills. She is suddenly picking up and parroting everything we say. She’s done this before, but it is on a new level and with more understanding (if that makes sense). She also concocts elaborate pretend scenarios with her “fwends.” There are lots of friends from reality and a cast of rotating pretend characters as well. She plays games with them and goes to “York” (New York, we think). Her most favorite imaginary friend is called Sheena. Sheena, I am told, is a “big girl. She is potty-trained (more on that subject LATER).” While she makes up stories with/about her imaginary friends, they do not seem to actually EXIST to her … they do not eat or have a favorite spot on the couch or anything. It is quite amusing in any case.

She has also (about 10 years early, I think) discovered a love for the telephone. She loves to take calls or preempt our calls to talk to her many loyal subjects. And the conversations have gotten down right… coherent. Back and forth, give and take. It is highly amusing and very fun. I especially like this for her out of town family and for Matt when he must be away.

I must also relate how amazing she is with Ben. She is proud to tell any and all that, “He’s my little brudder.” She is more than willing to help me with feeding him, changing him and decoding his wants/needs (these, I notice, usually correspond to her current want/need). She loves to entertain him and is our designated “pusher” when our decrepit swing (now on its 4th kid) gives out. More than anything though, she is very kind and loving toward him and it’s very nice to see them together. I have high hopes for them being good friends and playmates.

Our big hurdle right now (that I’m currently pretending does not exist) is potty training. Preschool, which seemed so far away when we toured it early this year, is looming large (registration in about a month). And this is still an issue. She has no interest in the potty and vehemently refuses to even try. We’ve been reading potty books (she loves these, and requests them at bedtime) and talking about it occasionally as the topic arises, but the concrete action is very much a problem. My hope is that if we lay off, the problem will resolve itself in time. When she’s ready. Right??? Either that or I’ll just stop buying diapers and she’ll have to figure it out. That’s the ticket.

All in all, she is an absolute joy and I am happy every day when I get to pick her up from the sitter and even happier when I get to spend the day with her. She is funny and sunny and a darling girl.

Favorite foods: pickles, meatballs, anything sweet, ketchup
Favorite shows: Dora, Diego, Little Einsteins, Nemo
Favorite toys: art supplies, puzzles, blocks/legos, Playmobil
Favorite books: “liiiibary books”, Sam’s Cookie
Clothes: size 2T-3T, size 4 diapers (L in cloth)
Favorite recent moment:
Me: “Tabby, are you singing ‘Put a Ring on It?'”
Tabby: “No, mommy, I singing ‘Single Ladies!'”

LINKS! Good ‘uns, too.

No idea why, but I’m very much in love with this round of links.

• 10 bucks says my hubby will think this internet enabled automatic catfood dispenser is cool … 50 bucks says he’ll try to duplicate it in some form
• I love this Christmas light display … love love love it
• check out 10 ways to improve your cooking
• a couple of nerd love links: HTML 5: about damned time and teach yourself to program
• teeny tiny lending library
• love these custom vintage signs (as well as 90% of the stuff) from three potato four … might have to think about one for Ben’s room
• teeny tiny subway ride
• this one’s for Ani: printable matroyshka doll calendar
• love the idea of an activity (rather than candy/toys) advent calendar … here are some ideas
• I’m always a sucker for cool things to do with photos, check out shape photo collage
• they have a ton more available accessories (I would LOVE a Nike+), but I abhor DRM and always find myself firmly in the no-ipod camp … here are some MP3 player choices for those of like mind (see comments)
• as always, Cool Mom PIcks Holiday Gift Guide rocks!
frecklebox has some really fun personalized gifts for kids (and maybe adults)
• as cookie weekend is nigh, it’s probably a bit late for me to order from Bake It Pretty, but they have some amazing looking stuff!
• check out this awesome Up! themed cake …what? Tabby’s b’day is only 3 months away!
• had a lot of fun looking at these remixed twitter avatars
• Dear Santa, All I really want is this completely awesome treehouse! I’ve been good moderately well-behaved all year long. Luv, ME
• check out this cool idea for decorating family photos for a party
• hilarious: turn your grocery list into a scavengar hunt

As usual, I’ve waited way too long to do the link thing.

The Basement Remodel: An Update

The basement remodel goes on … framing done, drywall up, taping underway. We hope to be done in 3 or 4 weeks. I don’t think I have any before photos (just imagine your average un-finished basement), but here are some “right now” photos. It’s messy, dusty, etc., but it’s also a remodel, so that’s sort of the deal. There are a few more photos and some more notes in the Basement Remodel flickr set.


The stairs: yep, there used to be a wall there. That was last weekend’s 12-hour project. We won’t finish it quite yet, since we don’t want a banister getting all dinged-up during the remodel.

Coming down the stairs … shop straight ahead, bathroom and office to the right, playroom/bedroom to the left. Continue reading “The Basement Remodel: An Update”

The One Where I Run (and Plan to Run More)

On Thursday we ran the 4mile Turkey Trot. It was a really nice way to start the day of eating that is Thanksgiving and we had a lot of fun at the race … good crowds and energy, EXCELLENT weather! I completed it at a 12 min/mile pace. It is respectable (running for me, a jog for my long-legged hubby), but not at all fast. The bummer is that when I ran the Title 9K (on my second mama’s day), my pace for a much hillier course was around 10 min/mile. With a jogging stroller. Including the 10 min or so where we got stuck in the back and couldn’t pass anyone until we off-roaded. So I am not feeling awesome about this. It has been much harder for me to get back into shape after having Ben. I know part of it is that I get terrible sleep right now. Ben still wakes up at least once a night … some nights, like the night before last, he wakes up far more often. I’m sure our generally crazy (and, let’s face it, slightly stressful) life right now doesn’t help either.

But all of that jazz aside, we are committed to running a half-marathon in April. On Ben’s first birthday, actually. The Country Music Half Marathon, to be exact. After our Turkey Trot this past week, I read up on the event and I’m actually pretty psyched for it. Everyone rates the event very well. They say it’s well organized and they also have live music all along the course which should keep you pretty motivated. I also think that running near sea-level (as opposed to our thin-aired elevation of around 1 mile) will be a nice little extra benefit. Extra extra bonus is that we will have some great people to run (or at least start) with. My sister and brother in law and our Vandy friend, Patrick, are all planning to join us … it will be the first half marathon for all, I believe, except maybe Bryan (BIL), who was in the army and can probably do the whole marathon with a 20 pound pack on his back. I think we will definitely need some kickass team shirts (Zazzle apparently prints custom designs on tech t’s, so that’s cool).

Soooooo … looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me. I need to go from being able to run 4 miles to being able to run 13.1 … by the end of April. It’s a leeeetle intimidating. But I have a plan. Well, actually, I’m borrowing plans from the greatness that is THE INTERNET. There are quite a few “training for your first half-marathon” schedules out there, believe it or not, and I am going to pick one and git ‘er done. Here’s the awesome part: they are all 12 week programs! That means I don’t have to even start them until the end of January. Huzzzzah! Though I was tempted, I will not be completely abandoning the objective of healthy eating and giving up my exercise regime. I will still be doing my best, but it is excellent to know that I can relax just a bit over the holidays and not be so focused on training. Continue reading “The One Where I Run (and Plan to Run More)”