
Things are going on as normal around here. It snowed last night and gave my ABS a good workout on the way into work this AM, but it didn't take too long. My health is improving and last night we got almost all of the food made up for Bunco tomorrow night. Tonight I can just spiff up the house a bit and that will be that. Matt has been a huge help (he always is) and thank goodness for that since I am a bit pathetic at standing for too long after a long day and moving around my stand mixer and such.

Miss Tabby is a bit off her schedule. She didn't want to nap when I got home from work last night and she was about ready for bed when we were eating dinner. But otherwise, she seems to be mostly healthy again aside from a little cough. Her sitter described her behavior yesterday as “onery.” I think she was darn glad to get out of the house and have a bit of fun somewhere else.

I am seeing my OB today. Well actually not my OB, since she is on some mysterious extended leave (hope she's OK) but should be back before the end of the month, but my NP. I have seen her for the last two or three visits. No big deal except that I wanted to get my OB's take on vbac vs. scheduled C since I still haven't decided. And the zillions of stories on the net about zealots raging against the medical machine haven't been a lot of help in the decision making process (where have all the normal people gone??). I also get to toast almost 29 weeks with a giant glug of that orange stuff and a couple of needles in my arm. Yay!

Now if I can just remember not to mainline the Valentine's day candy that's invaded the office and pass. Happy Wednesday.

Planning: Warm Weather!!

I think we're starting to get over THE CRUD at our house. Tabby slept the whole night in her own bed last night (yay!) and my bite is once again worse than my bark. All the time I was lying low feeling cruddy, I was longing for spring.

I generally love the changing seasons and anticipate each one and the things it brings. I'd never want to live somewhere where we didn't get TRUE seasons. That said, I am officially sick of winter (even though it hasn't been particularly harsh or long this year) and want spring and SUMMER. The sooner the better. Of course the fact that I am getting really antsy to meet our baby boy doesn't hurt either. Neither does looking forward to maternity leave. Not that it's a walk in the park with a newborn, but still. It has some pretty amazing moments if I remember correctly.

I am finding myself thinking longingly of the garden we grew last year. And I suddenly feel like I must read Animal Vegetable Miracle again. I also ordered my Seed Savers catalog. It will make for something lovely reading material while I watch the snow fall.

My plans for our garden:
• I am not bothering with teeny tomatoes … they're cute and all, but you need a lot to do much with and we don't have a ton of space.
• I am going to read up on what the heck to do with the squash (pruning wise) since it kind of took over the garden and yet didn't do much.
• One word: strawberries.
• Herbs are going into pots … it sounded like a good idea to have them in the beds, but they got lost in the greenery.
• We are getting the big metal cages for our tomatoes … they were a pain in the butt to stake with bamboo rods and string and didn't end up looking a lick better than the metal cages would've looked.
• Wonder if we can grow popcorn?

Grumpy Weekend

Gah. I'm almost glad for Monday. That's what kind of weekend it has been. Usually when I feel the sickies coming on, I can batton down the hatches, drink loads of fluids, get tons of sleep and generally not get it too bad. But we missed our naps last week. See, I purposefully get to work way early so that I can get off early and then come home and take a nap with Tabby. She really doesn't nap unless someone naps with her. Two hours later we are refreshed and can have a nice evening. But all last week, the gods conspired against us and we did not have naps. I had to work late. I had to go to the doctor. Matt forgot to pick Tabby up and I had to run get her. It was a perfect storm for getting sick. So all of us are.

Tabby and I have it the worst, hacking horrible coughs and snotty running noses. Tabby has a bit of a fever. She has gone from such a fun baby to completely whiny and demanding. She also wants to snuggle constantly and requests to go home and to go to sleep. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. And we are in the same boat … me being pregnant and her being a small child, we cannot take much in the way of meds (not that I've ever found cold meds particular helpful unless they knock you on your butt), so we sleep and drink tea and grump at Matt who is doing his best to put up with us.

As a result, we did not do much this weekend. We had to get out and run errands. We did go to dinner with my parents and grandma. A few loads of laundry got done. That is really about it. The house that was perfectly clean on Friday has fallen into shambles around my ears. I don't care a whole lot either.

We've got a busy week ahead of us as usual and I just hope we're all feeling better soon or it's going to be a real slog. Hope your weekend was better than ours!

Planning: Bunco Night

As I mentioned earlier, I am hosting Bunco next week. It will be fun, but coming up with a good make-ahead menu for 12 people is a bit challenging. I was hugely happy to come up with the idea of breakfast for dinner.

Here's the menu so far:
Ham Egg and Cheese Fondue – this is a lovely strata and I know it is foolproof since we make it for family brunches all of the time
Fruit Salad Ice – Another family favorite … it's like a cross between fruit salad and sherbet … YUM
Lemon Blueberry Bread – think I'll make this into muffins and serve it as our mid-game dessert, possibly accompanied by another flavor of sweet bread or muffin

So … I think I need to add in some sort of hashbrown casserole. Anyone got a good recipe for such a thing? We've got a recipe, but it's not really my fave and I want to look at some other recipes.

Also, I need to figure out appetizers. I was thinking of fruit and yogurt dip. Anything else creative and breakfasty you can think of? Maybe some sort of trail mix made with like cereal and such? Hmm..

Elsewhere on the Web

craft projects using paint samples
spring pad is a meal planning tool that I want to try out
• you fellow photoshop nerds will appreciate these photo display boards
nerd merit badges and female merit badges … interesting concept
• ever heard of a bokeh before? me neither, but it makes really cool photo effects … and you can DIY one for your camera
• like this cute heart scarf
• how to instantly age your photos
• someday, I'm totally turning my handwriting into a font
• creepy superbowl snack display
Samoa Bars (like the Girlscout cookies) sound very tasty and interesting
• check out this fascinating house on wheels
• love these scans of a 1917 catalog
• I was seriously tempted to buy this anti-Valentine's shirt.woot (mostly because it says “meh” on it) … but I didn't
• this advertisement for ballet lessons made me smile too
• baby boy may be getting his own custom-made blanky
• love these iron-on letters in fun fabrics
more proof we should stop obsessing over cleanliness
• creepy zombie Hello Kitty cake (just for yvett)
• thought these cheap portable solar cookers were fascinating
• another great Etsy find: Dick & Jane lampshades
• everyone can file their taxes online for free this year
paint that keeps your wireless network safe(er)
• a cool tattoo (and I'm not a big fan of tattoos)
Foodzie. Check it out.

23 Months?!?!

Today, Tabby wore her “I am this many” t'shirt that we bought her over a year ago. I was not concerned that she still fits in it (indeed, she has plenty of room in it), but more that in just ONE MONTH, it will not be correct. She will not be one. She will be TWO.

Her first birthday made me wistful and a bit sad, but she still seemed like a baby to me. But somehow two is a bit worse. I'll go ahead and blame it on pregnancy hormones (work with what you've got), but I also think it's that she's REALLY not a baby anymore. She walks … and runs. She talks … expressing herself with a degree of clarity that I really didn't expect at nearly two. She plays pretend. She chooses her own clothes and puts some of them on (mostly her shoes). She has distinct likes and dislikes, including a favorite TV show (well two anyhow – Barney and Little Einsteins). She can even be a bit manipulative and she's definitely asserting her independence.

This is what she's supposed to be doing. I am grateful that she's developing and growing just as she should. But it definitely makes me a bit sad. It all went very fast. At least she still loves to snuggle.

The Haps

Life has been moving so fast I have to give it to you in bullets.

• Baby boy has been busy holding his own circus in my abdomen. I love that.
• Tabby is preparing for BB's arrival by turning into the fiercest mamabear to her dolls (she practically imploded when a friend sat on her doll).
• I have a head cold which is not making me smarter or more patient. But it doesn't seem to be too bad. And it's not strep. Yay.
• I don't care what Michael Phelps smoked.
• Matt bought a carpet shampooer off Craigslist for $45 and cleaned our carpets.
• My RSS feed is not working right now (at least I don't think so) … no idea why.
• Facebook really is a black hole because it SUCKS TIME.
• I am so freaking sorry for those 14 kid and their wackadoo mom.
• Matt's dog (who still lived with his mom) had to be put to sleep. She was 12. Very sad.
• I have been working late all week which leaves no room for our naps … which means Tabby is going to bed between 6:30 and 7. I miss her!
Twinings Peach Flavored Black Tea is my new favorite.
• Despite being blogless for the past few days, I have been collecting some great links. I will share soon.
• Despite being blogless for the past few days, I have not been more motivated to use my camera.
• I missed you all very much!!


I am seriously going to stop complaining. Seriously. Because everytime I do, something way worse happens. My technology problems of the last post? A faint memory.

I will not go into it because you don't need the gorey details, but basically, my old host screwed things up good … and they never were able to even get back to me, let alone make things right, so I went to a new host. In the course of switching, lots of stuff got screwed up.

So things are just now getting right and the site may be a bit screwy for a couple of days until I can actually invest some time in working on the site.