Grumpy Weekend

Gah. I'm almost glad for Monday. That's what kind of weekend it has been. Usually when I feel the sickies coming on, I can batton down the hatches, drink loads of fluids, get tons of sleep and generally not get it too bad. But we missed our naps last week. See, I purposefully get to work way early so that I can get off early and then come home and take a nap with Tabby. She really doesn't nap unless someone naps with her. Two hours later we are refreshed and can have a nice evening. But all last week, the gods conspired against us and we did not have naps. I had to work late. I had to go to the doctor. Matt forgot to pick Tabby up and I had to run get her. It was a perfect storm for getting sick. So all of us are.

Tabby and I have it the worst, hacking horrible coughs and snotty running noses. Tabby has a bit of a fever. She has gone from such a fun baby to completely whiny and demanding. She also wants to snuggle constantly and requests to go home and to go to sleep. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. And we are in the same boat … me being pregnant and her being a small child, we cannot take much in the way of meds (not that I've ever found cold meds particular helpful unless they knock you on your butt), so we sleep and drink tea and grump at Matt who is doing his best to put up with us.

As a result, we did not do much this weekend. We had to get out and run errands. We did go to dinner with my parents and grandma. A few loads of laundry got done. That is really about it. The house that was perfectly clean on Friday has fallen into shambles around my ears. I don't care a whole lot either.

We've got a busy week ahead of us as usual and I just hope we're all feeling better soon or it's going to be a real slog. Hope your weekend was better than ours!

4 Replies to “Grumpy Weekend”

  1. Ohh no. You guys are sick too. You sound like us. Sorry to hear that! I hope you all feel better soon. Yes I agree the cold meds are doing squat!

  2. I'm sorry. I have to say though that I am happy not to be alone in the sick/grumpy/pregnant/semi-non-productive boat. Is it just me or are there some extra-evil colds and flus going around this year??

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