Tuesday was our 20 wk ultrasound. Instead of going through the normal radiology dept. at a clinic, I requested to have it done in the perinatology (high risk baby doctor) department. Last time the tech had some trouble scanning me and caused us some undue worry. This time I wanted to go straight to the source and so I asked my OB if I could be scanned the first time in perinatology (where we ended up last time). They have better techs and more sophisticated equipment and the doctor actually sits in with you during the scan and analyzes right then and there. Plus I love our perinatologist … he is a great doc with perfect bedside manner and so comforting to see!
The scan went just as perscribed and our gender determination was confirmed … boy it is! He's got all his parts and looks perfect, “totally normal and boring” as the doc joked. Because I'm one of the only “normal” patients they see in perinatology (usually they deal with multiples and other higher risk pregnancies), they let the novices (his resident and the ultrasound trainee) play around with my belly a lot which was neat because we got to see tons of stuff, including the kid waving at us and kicking me.
It was a very nice experience and definitely helped make it a bit more real for me. This time has been much different … I know I'm pregnant, but I don't think of it so much. With the gender confirmed, I think we've also been able to settle on a name, but we're not spilling … at least not yet. We did tell Tabby though and she seems to like it. Loki has been rather mute on the subject.
I loved those scans. Made everything even more real!
Congratulations! Boys are such fun!
Congrats. Maybe I'm biased, but I LOVE having a boy.
And I'm with you too. This pregnancy has been so much less real to me. I guess they have second child syndrome already. Maybe when we have our u/s (in two weeks), It'll be more real for us too.
I was so stressed at my 20 week u/s that I barely enjoyed it… then I walked out in shock because we were having a boy. I hope to be a bit more relaxed if we ever do it again, but I have my doubts.
I'm so excited for you! Baby boys are a lot of fun. I have to admit though, I am partial to them. hehehe
Yay for normal and boring! And I know just what you mean about the second time around. During my first pregnancy, I spent a great deal of time focusing on being pregnant. But the second time, with a toddler at home, I had no time to obsess. Can't wait to see if you share the name.
Cute ultrasound picture! He looks so sweet! Isn't it weird how little you think about being pregnant the second time around? I need to get my act in gear after the holidays and get ready for this baby. I've hardly done anything!
Cool that you've picked out a name already! I really like Abigail for us, but Greg is a hard sell. He can't get past it being a 'little old lady' name.
Congrats! You'll have one of each! That's wonderful!
awwww….a boy
Congratulations on one of each! It's a lot of fun!!
JESS! Congratulations!
Aww, do spill . . . I won't tell anyone!