Wednesday Wealth of the Web

Do you like this title? No. Me either. It's kind of cheesy. But as I said last week I'd like to do the link thing more regularly, even weekly. I guess I'll try it on for size. Maybe it will grow on me.

• I totally dig XKCD's (a great geek comic) take on digital rights management
• Another parenting book … but you might like it's promise: 12 Hours of Sleep by 12 Weeks
• I thought this site that allows you to set up food trains was an interesting idea.
• Have y'all seen Coverleaf yet? Many magazines delivered in digital form, for free if you're already a subscriber!! Great idea.
• Can't help but love these duct tape bandages … they're destined for my Christmas gift guide!
• If I didn't already own an awesomely cute cruiser, I might have to purchase one of these Paul Frank styled ones from Nirve. 6 cute styles to choose from.
• I've been loving Family Fun magazine lately. I even subscribed to it (just $6/year on Coverleaf!!). They have such cute/easy craft ideas. And I cannot wait to try these butternut squash popcicles and they have a ton of Halloween ideas.
Campfire cakes: hollow out oranges, fill with cake batter, wrap in foil, bake in the fire. Genius!
• Get $5 off a Whole Foods purchase of $25 or more.

Behind is an Understatement

With two weekends in a row spent out of town and my newly increased sleep requirements, plus a busy week to come, I am somewhat behind. The laundry pile is reaching the approximate size of a volkswagen and I ate Top Ramen this morning for breakfast because the cereal box I keep at work ran dry and I never noticed. I also have nothing for lunch today except two apples I tossed in my purse this morning. There are quite a few photos lingering on our camera that I haven't downloaded and the house is cluttered and disheveled. So much so that it's actually starting to really bother me. I did somehow manage to watch Gossip Girl last night. At least I've still got my priorities straight.

Big Week!

It's been a busy week full of this that and the other thing. We had big news yesterday … my sister passed her bar! Which means that on Oct 27 she will be sworn in as a member of Colorado's Bar Association (she assures me that it's a greater honor than being a part of the American Honky Tonk Bar Associaion). This comes on top of her having acquired a position as a clerk to a judge in a local municipality's court system just last week. This weekend she took a significant pay cut and will be dog sitting for Loki for $35/day (plus pantry privileges) this weekend since we are taking Matt's family into the mountains this weekend for a repeat (plot wise) of what we did last weekend.

And not that this really belongs in the same league or anything, but we also seem to have found one thing that trigger's Matt's food allergy. I don't know if I've mentioned this or not, but Matt will suddenly get sick one evening, throw up once and be fine after that. I had suggested it was a food allergy and urged Matt to keep a note of what he'd eaten just before these incidents. The past two times it's happened: CostCo pre-made burgers. My theory is that they put dye in them or something that he's reacting to (because beef surely isn't the culprit). I will be hounding him to have a patch test done soon.

There's one more bit of news to share, but it will have to wait 'til tomorrow. Until then ….

Fun with Links

I really enjoy posting links, but I usually wait so long in between that they're completely out of control and the posts takes me forever. I'm going to attempt to do them more often and in manageable chunks. Maybe weekly or bi-weekly.

• Ford is coming out with up to 8 programmable keys that can limit things like maximum speed and radio volume in their cars.
• This is a really comprehensive list of advice for flying with little ones. I didn't agree with it all or find it all to be accurate, but it's very interesting and makes a lot of good points.
• Gmail cares and is trying to help put an end to drunk emailing.
• This idea for decorating a pumpkin coach is really neat and original.
• This artist is doing a still-life every day and auctioning them on her website.
• Check out these apartments in Japan – they're designed to keep residents mentally and physically agile.
• The search is over. Matt needs to build this for Tabby.
• I had to laugh (and cry a little) over this graphic depicting the immigration process in the US.

19 Months

I don't like to do these retrospectives on Tabby too often, but this photo just had to be shared. Our sweet girl turned 19 months old on Saturday and it reminded me that we're now closer to 2 than 1. I can hardly imagine what the next 5 months hold for her. The “new things” pile on so rapidly I can hardly keep track of everything.

Tabby continues to be quite the little chatterbug and regularly cracks us up with the funny things she says. My favorite recently occurred when she was happily gnawing on a piece of fruit leather and Loki came over to see if he could share. She normally is happy to share with him, but fruit leather is a big-time favorite of hers and she responded to his unwanted sniffs with a very firm “No! My cacka!!” (no, my cracker).

Physically she is at a very independent stage. She wants no help from us with stairs (or anything else) and runs and hops and does a funny little dance when she gets to wiggle after a long time in her car seat or stroller. Outdoors is still a favorite, but she now wants to be on her own feet and explore every inch the world on her own. She starts tumbling class in a couple of weeks and I predict it will be a big hit. The recommendation has been made for her to be moved to a big-girl bed by 2 years for safety reasons and I can see why. So Daddy is busily designing her a big-girl bed and getting ready to meet the March 2009 deadline.

In the meantime, I'll enjoy looking down into her crib and watching her sleep peacefully and pulling her blanket back up over her (again) while I still can. It's all gone way too fast.

Welcome to October

After the crazy week it was great to get away and have fun. We trekked up the hill to Vail with my parents, sister and some family friends. We did very little besides enjoy each other's company, watch movies, eat good food, play games and hang out.

Matt was ecstatic because his bevloved Commodores pulled off their 4th fifth (Matt corrected me) straight win of the season and climbed to #13 in the rankings. Tabby was ecstatic because she got the attention of seven adults and the run of the house. I was ecstatic because I did no laundry, cooked and cleaned only minimally, slept a lot and relaxed even more.

I was very glad to see that we did not receive much of the promised snow. I am loving fall but not quite ready for winter. Plus, it would not have made our drive home terribly pleasant. As it was, an accident with a semi (caused by early morning slick roads) was still being cleaned up and caused us an hour delay coming home.

Another busy week awaits, I'm sure.

Thank God It's … Wait?!? Only Thursday?

Work has been a mad-house. I sort of mean that in a good way since I kind of thrive on confusion and work well under pressure, but on the other hand it's been going on for too long now. Our big go-live is next Monday, so things will hopefully slow down just a bit then.

Tabby is feeling much better (actually, I think she felt better from the moment she emptied her tummy). Thanks for all your well wishes. She was seriously ticked that we fed her bland junk for two days and never exhibited another sign of sickness, except possibly a being a bit more tired than usual (though this fluctuates so much it's hard to tell).

We have out of town company this weekend and next and it will be a lot of fun. The visitors haven't seen Tabby in 6 months or more. I can hardly fathom how much she's changed since March. It will be a nice break from “real life” though I'm not taking any vacation time (I don't have any to take!).

Now I just need to get through today and tomorrow and we'll be good. Hope everyone's week is going well.