… gonna pick a lotta peaches!
So … since my house is a wreck, I have a huge backlog of work and I haven't answered anyone's emails in weeks, I thought it would be a good time to get away for the weekend. Actually, in all honesty, I know how crazy I am to leave a messy house, a mile-long to-do list and the comforts of home, but this is the last weekend to pick peaches and I want me some peaches.
So we're packing up our junk and driving 3 hours tonight to a charming (read: cheap) motel (with free wi-fi, people!). We'll spend the night there and drive another 2 hours tomorrow morning to the farm. They have peaches, pears, nectarines, and three kinds of apples. I will be in fruity heaven!! Then we will go back to our motel and get changed so we can visit the Hot Springs Pool! Kickass.
I bet the laundry and clutter will wait for me.
Work can always wait & will always be there.
have a fantastic time!!
Happy peach-pickin!
WOW! Have so much fun
We left a seriously messy house today for a show and seafood festival! It's going to get cold here soon and I want to get out as much as possible! I have all winter to clean..LOL!!
That sounds awesome! I'll check out Flickr if you posted pictures.
So, uh, did you get millions of peaches, peaches for free?