* Tabby had her last swim class tonight. She got a certificate saying she passed all of the aspects of the class, which she did, except for blowing bubbles. She did that once, but I'm pretty sure it was accidental. Also, her teacher thought her name was “Jacob” … and then “Devon.” Should have bought the pink swimsuit.
* 9K training is going … err … OK. I sort of took a 4 day hiatus when we went to the mountains. I skiied and stuff, but I don't run on ice. That's just a bad idea. Tuesday I could only run 10 min cuz I got a horrible side stitch (whassup with that?!?). Today was more of the same, but I “ran through the pain.” Doesn't that make me sound athletic? 😛
* Finished In the Woods last night (stayed up too late). I thought it was a good ending, but left a plot line WIDE open, which ticks me off.
* Have decided I hate philosophy. Don't know if I can make it through this book … it isn't funny. At least I have No 1 Ladies' Detctive Agency on hold at the library … but I'm trying to give it a fair shake.
* Still have not managed to cook a meal at home this week. Tonight's dinner was Taco Bell. And I have no leftovers for tomorrow … so Lean Cuisine again, I guess.
* House is a mess. House is always a mess. I need like a solid week off to do some major cleaning.
* Lucy is having a big ol' sale. Must fight urge to spend money on cute clothes.
* Why didn't anyone tell me Easter is THIS WEEKEND?!? The Easter bunny needs to get his act together.
4 Replies to “Updates”
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Congrats to Tabby yay!!!
What kind of swimsuit was it? The full body or a girl's suit? How many kids were in her class? Sheesh to the teacher!
Hey you are training though. I hate those darn stitches.
Sometimes take out is nice. You cook a lot otherwise.
I know what you mean about the housework. Seems like I am always tackling a drain full of dishes and laundry. Good luck.
Easter did sneak up this year didn't it.
I want to get my daughter in a swim class. I think she'd have so much fun. I am still so impressed with your 9K training, mini-break or not. Keep up the awesome work.
Yay for Tabby
That's funny that she was supposed to blow bubbles! SWEET!! My house is also a disaster. I have like 3 million unfinished jobs. In the Woods is next on my list. I am reading “The Time Travelers Wife” right now. It's good, but long.
You hate philosophy? But why?
-rim shot-