Spring is just around the corner. I swear … I can feel it. Nevermind that March is our snowiest month, usually. I'm confident.
OK, so I'm not, but I am happy. I think I found us a couple of options for CSA! For those of you not familiar with CSA, it stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Basically a local farm (or farms) offers up shares to people in the area. You pay them a set amount up front and they use it to grow lovely fresh veg and you pick up your share of it on a weekly basis.
I'd looked into this a bit back in early Jan but I hadn't found anything reasonable for us (mostly waaay too long of a drive for pickup) … I don't know if I wasn't looking properly or if I was just too early, but now I've found two places for us to buy CSA shares from: Abbondonza Organics and Red Wagon Organic Farm, both out of Boulder which, while not just around the corner, isn't that far of a drive.
I already really enjoy most veggies, but I'm hoping that this will help all of us expand our repertoire and branch out a bit. Plus, you've gotta love the idea of organic, locally grown veg.
ETA: If you're looking for CSA in your area, check out Local Harvest.
That is so cool. We have a organic veg market come three times a week to Manhattan and on Saturdays in Brooklyn & Queens so we can go there, but that is a fantastic idea.
I like the idea of CSA. I just don't think my family would eat half of what we'd be buying. They grow a lot of uncommon veggies from what I hear, which is nice, but with my picky husband it'd probably all go to waste.
We joined a CSA this year too. I wanted to get a vegetable garden started, but I think we're late to the game for getting seedlings started on a lot of stuff. Plus, I like different vegetables too. I get tired of all the same old stuff.
That's pretty cool. I wonder if we have anything like that around here.
Good for you for joining a CSA. My sister is in one in Seattle and loves it. And thanks for the link. I'll have to do some research and see if they have one near me.
What a great resource! I'm planning on making Jackson's food once he gets into the fruit and veggie arena. Definitely would be nice to buy local organic produce… not to mention it would probably be a lovely little outing to go to a farm!
Good for you guys! We are official in the CSA we were hoping for. I am really looking forward to June when we start getting our shares!