Cheap(er) Diapers

I just placed my first order with A friend of mine had read about them in our local paper a few months ago. They have the most competitively priced diapers available. I was interested at the time, but Tabby was going through different sizes too fast to make it worth it to me, but now that she's pretty solidly a 3 and staying that way for a while yet, I decided to go ahead. I was getting a decent deal, paying around 35 cents per diaper at Babies R Us or Target. But the diapers I ordered at are 24 cents per diaper!!! Even the expensive enviroment friendly diapers from Seventh Generation were cheapers on here than the Target ones I was buying. Plus, free shipping on orders over $50 and 5% back in credits on orders over $75, and I hit that with two boxes. Anyway, if you're interested, you can use my referral code, JENIX378, and get $5 off your first order. Cuz, y'know, ever penny … blah blah blah.


* My head is one giant compacted ball of snot. And I'm not a bit happy about it.
* Last night Tabby slept through the night in her OWN CRIB for the first time in over a week. YAY.
* I am overjoyed to announce that there is not one single thing on our social calendar for this weekend.
* I may actually have to babyproof the house soon. Tabby is getting very serious about this crawling thing.
* I'm thinking that naps should be a mandatory part of everyone's day.
* I seriously doubt Tabby's going to hit 20 lbs by her first birthday. It's only 39 days away and she's barely 18 lbs.
* When I am at work today, the good faeries will come and clean my house (and take $75).
* I think I shall dehydrate something this weekend (bananas, pehaps).
* Grape Propel is my new best friend.
* I can't really put coherent thoughts together.
* Cool: they used my hack on Parent Hacks!
* Did I mention it's Friday??

Italian Salad


buffalo mozzarella
good tomatoes
romaine lettuce
balsamic vinaigrette dressing

Cut up the mozzarella, tomatoes and romaine into good bite-sized pieces. Toss together with the balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

Please Visit …

I meant to put this in that long list of links post that I put up the other day, but heck, I (used to) know this person in reality, so she deserves her own post. I went to College (Uni) with Kitsune (Lauren) at Vanderbilt where we had some crazy times and such. Probably.

Anyhoo, yet another of many I lost track of over the years, I recently found her on Facebook and have begun stalking her (just kidding). She is currently living in Japan and teaching English to high school students. I am quite jealous of this since I really want to visit Japan, as you all know, to take photos of vending machines, play Hello Kitty Karaoke, and buy up my customs limit in bento boxes and bizarre (but useless) gadgets. I find her posts about life in Japan to be absolutely side-splitting.

A couple of excerpts from this fine blog:

GREAT MONEY-MAKING IDEA: Go to various foreigners' apartments in Japan and tell them that you are a lightbulb changer. Or a 'Watching TV tax' man. Or wallet inspector. The less Japanese they know and more awkward the poor gaijin is, the more likely it is that they will give you any amount you ask for just to be able to close the door.

I don't want to look up, “My battery is dead. May I please purchase another that you install?” on the internet, because I've had enough conversations with Japanese people online to know that it will likely come out, “The electricity of mine is killed. Please install a clock in yourself?”

Oh yea … the link … HoneyBeeManor.

The Tale of Two Bugs

Back at work today … I'd planned on going in yesterday, but when I woke up and attempted to grab a shower, I found that I could not stand for any length of time without feeling very ill. So I spent the rest of the day under the covers, watching my box set of Grey's Anatomy (and by watching I mean it played in the background while I drifted in and out of consciousness). Being sick herself, Tabby was very sleepy and cuddly and she took two good naps with me (2.5 hours +, unheard of for her). I really think she spent more time asleep than awake yesterday. But she is, thankfully, back to her happy babyself (at least between naps). YAY!

In mother-daughter sharing that is sure to continue for many years to come, Tabby and I have exchanged bugs. I now have her cold and she has my GI bug. Though both seem to have lost some of their juice in transfering hosts. Matt on the other hand seems to have possibly simultaneously contracted both after taking care of both of us for the past few days. So sad that I have to go to work and can't stay at home with him.


UGH. What a weekend. Tabby got a doozie of a cold towards the end of last week. Thankfully Matt got home from Cali just as it was getting really bad. Tabby hardly slept Thurs or Fri night and we both were the living dead this weekend. Then Sat night, I got a doozie of a GI bug. I'm pretty much over that (as of this evening) and Tabby's hitting the end of her cold … but maybe she has my GI bug now. I soooooo hope not. Yea, we're loads of fun around here.

Here's a video of Tabby giving kisses instead of more cheerful ramblings from moi.

Continue reading “Quarantine”

I'm almost embarassed to admit …

What I spent on these shoes. Oy. Here's the deal. I've been running … quite a bit … between 2 and 3 miles a day. But this past weekend and early this week, I had to take some time off because my left ankle area was paining me. Not bad pain… no problems walking or anything like that, but it was definitely there and it wasn't any fun to run. So I went on running forums and the #1 thing they said (even for beginners) was to have fit tests done and get the right shoe.

So tonight after I did grocery shopping and while waiting on my mom and sister to meet me for dinner, I hit Road Runner Sports. I ran on their treadmill, stepped on their foot analyzer and got what I hope is a good pair of shoes for my feet. They're even green (though that isn't why I picked them).

$120. Sorry starving children in Africa.

Insert Witty Title Here

I have been saving up links for a while now trying to make a pile sizeable enough that it would be worth sharing. I think we're there!

♥ The makers of Cranium (one of my all-time favorite board games) have released a cool line of kids' toys. I especially love the make-believe sets.

♥ Of course, I found out about Car Bargains AFTER we bought my car. Basically, you pay them $190 and they get quotes from local dealerships on what you want. That's quite a bit of $$, but the quotes that this user got varied by $1900. Might be worth it.

♥ via Not Martha, this Q&A session on Meta Filter about where to buy Women's clothes online … good info for me, perpetually stuck on a few stores.

♥ Also via NM & Metafilter … a few more ways to waste time on the web (games)

♥ Awesome clean line furniture at 2Modern Continue reading “Insert Witty Title Here”

Catching Up

I've wanted to post about 10x, but I have been insane busy. Yesterday I spent the day with the three kiddos and they were … challenging. I have so much respect for stay at home moms. Each kid on his/her own would have been no problem, but all together. OY. But even after the day was over, I could be happy and reflect on the progress I saw them all make … Wes smiling at me; Liam telling me what a cow says; Tabby chattering away on her Tinkerbell cell phone …. with a huge glass of red wine and a couple of advils, that is.

Today was the start of a very busy week at work. I have meetings. I have deadlines. I have many items on my to-do list. I have work to take home. Where there's wine.

Alone in My Office

Yes, people. I am alone. This never happens. And fortunately, I'm talking about my home office, not my cubicle at work. Yay. I have a mug of English Toffee tea (only 1 bag left after this) and I'm watching Gossip Girl, reading blogs, making CDs, organizing things, planning a menu for when we have company next Friday … and really really enjoying myself.

I spent all day yesterday with Tabby (we hung out with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Gaga) while Matt worked in his woodshop. Today I've been promised a nice stretch of a few hours while Tabby and Daddy play together. Tabby's had a serious case of noonewilldobutmommyitis lately and while I am happy to have her attached to me most of the day, it does get a bit exhausting. Plus, we are going to have loads of great mommy daughter time this week. Daddy is going to California and we will miss him LOTS!

So they get to play together and watch football and I get to be on my own. YAY. Now I just hope I can not waste my precious FREEtime sleeping or something lame like that.

In other news, my darling daughter has finally decided that crawling might be worth her time. But only when it's absolutely necessary. I.e. when she can't get one of her many servants to bring her her bink.