9 Months

Today marks 9 months of smiles, gurgles, coos and other baby sweetnesses. Where has the time gone??! I'm amazed that she's been in this big world as long as I was pregnant with her. Every day is such a fun adventure and I can really say that I'm enjoying each day a whole lot. She seems to come up with something new every day. She's got three words down-pat: hi (which is more of an “iiiii” or “haaaaa”) and mama and dada (which she uses interchangeably). She absolutely melts my heart when she puts her arms up for us to pick her up or when she gives us the super-sized grin when we walk in the room or when she snuggles into us when she's extra tired.

As far as milestones go, she's been cruising right along. She likes to pull herself up and can go from a forward bend to standing all on her own and she's finally showing a bit of interest in crawling, getting up on all fours and rocking around a bit. She loves to clap when happy and wave hi and bye to everyone. She's eating pretty much everything we eat and has found very little she doesn't like. Noodles seem to be her tip-top favorite at the moment and she loves to shove them in her mouth and slurp them up, which is absolutely hilarious.

Happy 3/4 of a year, Ms. Tabby. Your mommy and daddy love you very much!!

Taking a Break

Kerflop has initiated a blogging break in December, and I'm thinking I'll join in, especially since it's already 4:30 and I'll I've done to day is:
1. run for 20 min
2. take a nap
3. eat lunch
4. take a nap
5. chat with a friend
6. do 2 loads of laundry

31 Days of Nothing
I will probably be posting as I feel like it when something comes up. Sadly, I have like two or three things to post, but I just can't get it quite together … Tabby is busy and I'm tired and a bit sick. Happy December y'all.

Small Triumphs

* Tabby seems to be feeling much better (though her sleep patterns are still a bit off)
* I made it through the week
* there's no snow on the ground (and none in the forecast)
* Christmas shopping is approximately 60% complete
* my house will be clean (not just uncluttered) when I get home
* I actually got the Christmas template/skin/whatever for Jesser up before December
* I get to sleep in a bit tomorrow
* I ran 2.25 miles this AM, a new high for me since … ? high school or something?
* I have a cup of tea to warm my hands
* there's a new ep of Project Runway on my Tivo
* Did I mention it's Friday?

Christmas Music

I know loads of people who think it's too early to break out the Christmas music, but I'm not one of them. I start the day after Thanksgiving so I can hear all my favorites lots of times.

On my Christmas Playlist:
* Elf's Lament as sung by BNL
* I Saw Three Ships as sung by Sting
* Holly Jolly Christmas as sung by Alan Jackson
* Sleigh Ride as sung by Harry Conick Jr
* Santa Baby as sung by Ertha Kitt
* Carol of the Bells from Home Alone
* Children Go Where I Send Thee as sung by Natalie Merchant
* Christmas Song as sung by Dave Matthews
* melikalikimaka as sung by Bing Crosby
* God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen as sung by Garth Brooks
* All I Want for Christmas as sung by ANYONE BUT Mariah Carey (cuz that girl has not learned that making 2 syllable words into 50 syllable words is soooo over)
* ANYTHING on A Christmas Together (John Denver and the Muppets Christmas Album)
* Little Saint Nick as sung by The Beach Boys

And I'm sure many more that I'm not thinking of at the moment. What do you guys have on your Christmas playlists??

Some Days it Just Doesn't Pay

I've had kind of a crappy morning. Well actually, it probably started last night. Tabby is having trouble sleeping due to her cold, so as a result, neither Matt nor I is sleeping too well. Matt also had to work through the wee hours of the night on some upgrade thingy and so Tabby and I were on our own … up down up down. Blah. I was up for good at 4:20 AM which is when the next problem started.

Snow. Snow snow snow. The white menace. It snowed a paltry inch (maybe less) between 4:30 AM and 6 ish, when I left for work, but it sure left its mark on our fair city in the form of a nasty layer of ice topped with snow. And it turned my 20-30 min commute into a 2.5 hour one. To be fair, at some point, I turned around and tried to get home, but since my way was blocked, I decided to just push on to work. Really, if I had known what lay ahead of me when I left this AM, I just wouldn't have bothered.

I will be taking a half day to make up for the two hours I missed this AM and getting a jump for the commute home (and a nap if I can manage it).

The Cabinet

Matt has just completed the next to last piece of furniture in Tabby's room. The very last piece is a bookcase to go on top of this cabinet. It has been almost done for quite a while, but finishing (sanding, varnishing, sanding, varnishing, ad nauseum) takes such a long time!! Matt has put in many late nights and weekend afternoons into this piece and I think it is most lovely. Now Tabby has a place for her toys … and possibly a place for her! We discovered during a paticularly fussy period where she wanted to be in constant contact with us that she was immensely happy in the cabinet (as the photographic evidence shows). Perhaps we should build her a playhouse.

Long Weekend Wrap-Up

Tabby's first Thanksgiving was very enjoyable. She ate her turkey and squash with great zeal and really really enjoyed having the rapt attention of all of the people around her.

We had five lovely days of time off as a family and I think we made pretty good use of them. Honestly, a lot of it was used doing boring stuff at home, but we made it to the zoo with some friends on Saturday, which was fun, though I forgot the camera. Too bad, too, because we saw a joey who climbed back in his pouch. Very cool.

Miss Tabby has, regrettably, been a bit under the weather. She's had a little cold and is possibly teething (there's a LOT of drooling going on). This has caused her to be very clingy and easily upset and frustrated. She needed much more attention than usual which hindered the progress of our various projects, but of course, we were happy to give her what she needed. She seems to be doing a bit better.

Some stuff did get done, however …. Continue reading “Long Weekend Wrap-Up”


Ani was kind enough to provide me with an excellent post Turkey Day meme cop-out post.

7 Random or Weird Things About Me (I ditched the rules because I don't like rules)
1. I chew way more gum than is probably good for me … I average one of those Eclipse big packs (60 pieces I think) every week and a half or so
2. Though my sister and I don't look much alike, we are only about 23 months apart and were sometimes mistaken for twins when we were younger (once even identical twins, but the person who said this was a few crayons short of a box)
3. I love to cook new things so much that Matt has to make specific requests to have something we've cooked before a second time. I think I mildy drive him nuts with this, actually.
4. I am mildly obsessed with Bento Lunch Boxes and several other aspects of Japanese culture … honestly I would love to take a trip there just to take photos of their vending machines (and do Hello Kitty karaoke of course)
5. I sometimes speak German in my sleep (ask Matt)
6. I think Zach Braff is a hottie
7. I almost never pass up a nap

On My Way To Work

This is going to be one of those posts that blog critics cite when declaring that blogs are stupid and pointless and y'know what? I'm OK with that. And BTW, I'm having soup for lunch.

I had a nice *long* snowy drive this morning to think. Here's what was rattling around my grey matter that I thought I needed to share:
* snowy days are almost the only day that everyone drives the speed limit – perhaps that's what they really mean
* we sing Tabby a song to the tune of Barbie Girl (by Aqua) called Binky Girl. Perhaps if you beg nicely, I'll post the lyrics sometime.
* I feel oddly compelled to run the Turkey Trot tomorrow, so I think perhaps we will
* I really like snow in the abstract, but I am not fond of driving in it, shoveling it, wading through it, or otherwise dealing with it … unless the dealing is something fun like skiing or sledding
* I wonder how many calories a day of skiing burns? (PS, this site says a 150 lb person would burn 4700 calories in 8 hours of skiing)
* the touch pad on my MP3 player is really unresponsive to gloved hands
* we have mice in the garage and despite traps and cheese and some sonic thing to drive them away, they remain … Matt's threatening use of the Shop Vac on them (eew)
* I have soooo much to do over the weekend, and the brain is off into “to-do list” territory Continue reading “On My Way To Work”