This is going to be one of those posts that blog critics cite when declaring that blogs are stupid and pointless and y'know what? I'm OK with that.
And BTW, I'm having soup for lunch.
I had a nice *long* snowy drive this morning to think. Here's what was rattling around my grey matter that I thought I needed to share:
* snowy days are almost the only day that everyone drives the speed limit – perhaps that's what they really mean
* we sing Tabby a song to the tune of Barbie Girl (by Aqua) called Binky Girl. Perhaps if you beg nicely, I'll post the lyrics sometime.
* I feel oddly compelled to run the Turkey Trot tomorrow, so I think perhaps we will
* I really like snow in the abstract, but I am not fond of driving in it, shoveling it, wading through it, or otherwise dealing with it … unless the dealing is something fun like skiing or sledding
* I wonder how many calories a day of skiing burns? (PS, this site says a 150 lb person would burn 4700 calories in 8 hours of skiing)
* the touch pad on my MP3 player is really unresponsive to gloved hands
* we have mice in the garage and despite traps and cheese and some sonic thing to drive them away, they remain … Matt's threatening use of the Shop Vac on them (eew)
* I have soooo much to do over the weekend, and the brain is off into “to-do list” territoryStuff that needs doing (by someone, probably me)
* put away the clothes that don't fit Tabby and rotate in ones that do
* take a family Christmas picture AND design a card
* cut stencils for and paint the rest of the onesies and totebags
* clean out my freaking office
* have a fun outing with Tabby & Matt and whomever
* make a Christmas shopping list
* decide which cookies to cook for the big weekend
* play a couple of video games that I haven't touched in months
* work on Tabby's scrapbook
* send a couple of packages
* go on a photography expedition
* organize some recipes
* get new tires for my car
* clean out Matt's car
* return Christmas dress to Children's place (I have given up on the idea of a Christmas Dress for Tabby and we're going with Christmas sweater and jeans)
Wow you will be a busy beaver. It's nice having a long weekend to catch up though. Pray for me Jess
She called this morning to check up on me, cause you know I'm retarded. Yeesh. And to end on a positive note-
Have a Happy Turkey Day!
wow your list makes me depressed… it reminds me of all the stuff I have to do… blah… I need a servent to do this crap for me lol… but I hope you had a great weekend!!!