San Francisco Days 4-7

Welllll … best paid plans went asunder. The hotel we were staying at lost internet connectivity and so I couldn't post anymore. Bummer. I still snapped a few photos though … so here are the last few days, minus photos from my mom.

Day 4: Downtown Oakland, Beard Papas, BART trip, Jersey Boys
Day 5: de Young museum, Golden Gate Bridge overlook, Goats for Hire
Day 6: meeting up with family, and a trip to Los Gatos (photos to follow)
Day 7: Haight Ashbury

We got in last night and we've been up to our elbows in laundry and weekly preparations. Lots more to share …

San Francisco Day 2

I could have sworn I put this up earlier, but for some reason it didn't make it.

Day 2 (Sunday) was our trip to wine country. I was mostly in it for the beautiful scenery, but I did enjoy a little wine as well. Here's the photos.

Hopefully I can get s'more photos up tonight!! We've been busy busy.

San Francisco Day 3

Well yesterday was a pretty low-key day. We got going slowly and though we had larger plans, we spent most of the day in Japan Town, which, though probably larger, is in my mind a sort of Japanese-themed mall with neat restaurants and fun shops. Full photo journal here.

In the evening, we had a delicious meal at Donna and Eddie's house, compliments of Eddie. Unfortunately, I was a bit too knackered to take any photos .