
Boring best describes us right now. Since I've had this obnoxious cold, I've been mostly working and lying around. Haven't done any cooking (that would interfere with my lying around). Haven't ridden my bike (that would interfere with my lying around). Laundry is piling up. After all, Law and Order has to be watched. We're boring. We've got plans though. We won't always be this boring.

By-Gone Days

For some reason, I'd been wanting to see the old Sesame Street short where they make crayons. I don't know how many of you remember this. My sister certainly does, but friends even just a few years older than me don't seem to recall it at all and my husband (we're about 3 months apart in age) only “vaguely” remembers it. So I did a search for it last night and was delighted to find that someone had placed it on You Tube for me to enjoy. Talk about good memories.

They also have my #2 favorite for Sesame Street shorts … Pinball 12. Genius!!

Weekend Countdown

10 times I had to tell Loki to get off the bed
9 bottles of Gatorade
8 calls of birthday wishes
7 episodes of Law and Order SVU watched
6 cough drops per hour
5 doses of Robitussin DM (the same stuff, incidentally, that we give Loki when he gets Kennel Cough)
4 applications of Vapo-Rub until I decided I was allergic to it (still not sure about this)
3 showers per day to clear my head
2 Back to the Future Trilogy movies watched
1 Most Excellent Hubby who took exceedingly good care of me

I am back at work, under protest from Matt. He thinks I should still be at home.

What I got for My Birthday

Well there was no celebrating going on this weekend. I got a nasty cold for my b'day. Phlegm, coughing, sore throat, you name it. So I spent most of the weekend horizontal, watching bad TV, sleeping, and listening to my mp3 player. We made it to Target and we bought a humidifier… yes, that frog one. It's a lot cuter in person, actually. I'm still not well, so I'm staying home from work today. More bad TV. Yay.

Happy B'day To Me & BPOH

Well today marks 26 years of me on this planet. For my b'day, my darling hubby got me the lovely green cruiser bike that I'd been pining after. I'm sure some other celebrating will be going on in the near future, but I know what very very little of it is.

And by the way, if you stopped by on the Blogger Parade of Homes, that is a photo of my lovely house. Lucky for us, most of the landscaping was done before we moved in. But we did plant the daisies and the now over grown mint plant (bush??). Our house resides in the Wild West (near Denver, CO).

Life with Loki

It occurred to me the other day that I hadn't blogged about Loki in a while. He is still enjoying life as a part of our family and living up to his name.

Loki and the A/C
Loki is pretty good about letting us know when he needs to go out. His preferred method is standing by the back door patiently (but if we're not near the back door, he annoys us until we let him out). But recently, he started coming in almost immediately sometimes when we would let him out. He wouldn't even run around to the side yard like he had to do his bizzo. So we were a bit confused. Then I realized. There is an A/C vent opposite the door and he was just sitting there keeping cool. He loves to do the same in the car after a long run. Continue reading “Life with Loki”

Warning: Blubber Alert

My Mother in Law got me a wonderful book for my birthday last year: Marley and Me by John Grogan. I read it almost immediately and thoroughly enjoyed it. However, as it was getting towards the end of the book, I could see where it was going .. directly to Marley's eventual demise and I couldn't read it. So recently, Matt started reading it to me again and I was enjoying the story all over. So last Friday, after we got home from dinner, Matt went to play video games. I wasn't in the mood for computering, so I laid down to read some magazines, but they didn't hold my interest. So I picked up Marley and Me and read it from where Matt and I had left off … and this time, I finished it. Sure enough … I spent the last 20 or 30 minutes (the last two chapters), crying like a baby. After I finished, still blubbering, I went downstairs to find Loki and give him a big hug.

Happy and sad, Marley and Me is a wonderful book … anyone who has ever loved a dog simply must read it. The tears are worth it. Honest.


Know what that is? It's a turnip. It is apparently the vegetable that I am most closely related to. See yesterday I went to the doc's … and they had to draw blood. Blood draw is always a horror for me. I've come to be rather reconciled to the needles … if it happens once. But I have a condition known as turnipism where the poor phlebotomists are compelled to “stick” me an average of 3 times. See I have tiny veins. They also like to “roll.” I also have lots of scar tissue from eczema in the crook of my arm where you normally get blood taken that provides a nice little barrier for needles as well. So after allowing the phlebotomists to use me for a pin cushion for around 30 min yesterday, I walked out with 4 cotton balls taped to various parts of my arms and hands. It was cute. No, really.