It occurred to me the other day that I hadn't blogged about Loki in a while. He is still enjoying life as a part of our family and living up to his name.
Loki and the A/C
Loki is pretty good about letting us know when he needs to go out. His preferred method is standing by the back door patiently (but if we're not near the back door, he annoys us until we let him out). But recently, he started coming in almost immediately sometimes when we would let him out. He wouldn't even run around to the side yard like he had to do his bizzo. So we were a bit confused. Then I realized. There is an A/C vent opposite the door and he was just sitting there keeping cool. He loves to do the same in the car after a long run. Sunning Himself
Loki is a mostly indoor dog. He spends time outside when we take him with us when we venture into the great out-of-doors. But sometimes, to get him out of our hair (he is a champion at standing in the way) we put him in the back yard and lock the door so he can't let himself back in (yes, he can work door-knobs). When he finally gets over the indignation of being locked out, he generally climbs up on the picnic table and has a nice nap.
Bread Fiend Legacy
I'm not sure if you remember or not – perhaps you weren't reading my ramblings back then – but May, the dog we had before Loki, was an absolute fiend for bread. This lives on in Loki. It is now his principle favorite thing to steal. Of course it doesn't work so well when he prances into Matt's office with a loaf of it to show off.
Hair Dryer
I was surprised to find, since Loki is forever barking at the vacuum, that Loki loves my hair dryer. I think he was able to reconcile himself to its noises based on the fact that it makes him warm. Whenever I turn it on, he comes running into the bathroom and lays down at my feet, ready for a quick warm up.
What a sweet doggy.
Wow. I thought Norton was smart because he too can work doorknobs…He can let himself out using the front door. When he's in the yard, he can open the sliding door by biting down on the handle and pushing it open. I guess our dogs are pretty genius huh!
sweet dog!
Keep good notes. Who knows, you may write about him and have a book published one day.
On top of the picnic table -Cute!