Celebrity Dish

In these days of TomKat and Bennifer II, who can resist a little celebrity dish, especially when it's so hilariously written that you almost pee your pants?

Check out GoFugYourself (not dirty, like the title might suggest) for all the fashion dish, including:

* this snarky comment on Jude
* poor Katie
* letters from Brit & Kevin

Loving Pink is the New Blog as well. Lotsa great celebdish here.

Perez Hilton seems to be the meanest celeb-dish-blog out there …check out their tribute to Brit on her b'day.

Much much more on Gossip Blogs.

Is this the Face of a Juvenile Delinquent?

Apparently so. See, little Loki has been going to doggy daycare since we got him fixed. He loves it. He gets to play with loads of other dogs. We love it because he comes home so tired there is little room for mischief making. But there's one teensy little problem.

Loki has been picking fights at doggy daycare. Not just one or two. Lots. Usually with larger male dogs. He's starting to see the people there as his people and the place as his place and so he's getting protective of them. We already had him take a two-week break, hoping that this would cure his attachment to the place, but it seems like it was for not.

So now I'm madly searching the internet trying to figure out how to cure this little aggressiveness problem. Because, I swear, if he gets kicked out of doggy daycare, I'll go postal.