My friend, Holly, who I've mentioned before, I'm sure, asked me to go to kick-boxing with her. We usually go to pottery classes on Tuesdays and kick-boxing is right before that, so after work, I met Holly at the Golden Rec Center (also where we do our pottery). The class was a lot like any other aerobics class — mostly the same moves, but the arms were vastly different … jabbing and hooking and upper-cutting and all. I'd had a frustrating day at work, so I took out some of that punching the air. Very theraputic. But at the time I really didn't think I was working out my arms that much.
Yea. I was wrong.
This morning, I ache. My arms ache, but even worse than my arms is that space between my shoulder blades. Yikes. I've taken my ibuprofen and I project that I will be feeling better in a couple of hours and even possibly lifting my arms above my head successfully.
I give kickboxing 4.5 stars on the workout scale. Fun and challenging without that monotonous thing. I think I will be back.
Both classes sound fun!
Not only will you get in shape, but you'll be one tough chick!
Ps…punch the air a few times for me, willya?
I took kickboxing for a while and for a warm-up the instuctor made us do about a million lunges. At the end of the class, he had us jump rope and I swear I couldn't lift my legs to jump. That had never happened before or since. I loved those classes!