I'm Not an Adult, but I Play One on TV

Legally, I suppose I've ben an adult for (yikes!) seven years now. But I've never really felt very “grown up.” Sadly, I'm starting to feel that way. I was very disturbed to find that I was practically giddy over setting up my 401(k) and a new savings account.

I'm married and more often than not, I see people my age with kids and sensible sedans, not school bags and mopeds. But just because I becomre more mature and responsible doesn't mean I have to give up all the fun. I can still watch cartoons and read baby-chick lit and appreciate a new box of colored pencils. It's not against the law. And I swear I will *never* have a sensible sedan.

2 Replies to “I'm Not an Adult, but I Play One on TV”

  1. I always feel that way. I feel like there's a level of maturity that I thought I'd have by now but don't. I feel very grown up though, when I get excited about things like appliances. How old and dull!

  2. I feel the same way. I can't believe how old I am. I think it's really mind over matter though. One is only as old as they let themselves feel. It's ok to want security though. And I love kitchen gadgets. But the other day I brought a 64 set of crayons. Hey they were on sale for $1.

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