The adventures of Loki continue. Last week we had him fixed. He was supposed to not jump or lick his stitches for 4-5 days. I got him one of those satellite dish looking collars to prevent the latter. By day 4, he had torn it to shreds by running it into a door. He was healing well tho, so I just let it go. I kept on top of him, but you can't be with them every moment, so I got a call from Doggy Daycare yesterday telling me that he was all swollen and I should call the vet. They let me bring him by and prescribed asprin (for pain) and benadryl (to make him sleep) and also, a new satellite dish collar. I didn't want to buy one though, since the first one was $20 and BROKE. But my mom had the solution. When she and my dad had their samoyed, she broke her leg and they had to prevent her from licking her stitches, so they cut the bottom out of a bucket and punched holes in it and laced it into her collar. So that's what I did for Loki. About 15 minutes and $1.99 for the bucket and he cannot get to that area if his life depended on it.
Poooor, Loki! I always hated that stage with our doggies. I feel so bad for them.
P.S. What was up with that ass leaving you a comment about copying…what a moron. Was that a joke? Some people are so retarded!