Omarosa, You're Fired!

I've really enjoyed The Apprentice … with one exception. Omarosa. Every week she's been whiny, snotty, superior, and catty and now she's gone. That's right, The Donald fired her this evening. We no longer have to hear her whining about her plaster-induced injuries or endure one more of her self-righteous speeches. And I'm glad. Glad glad glad glad glad.

In other news, Miss Bad Dog (May) managed to eat 3/4 of a leftover pizza that we very unwisely left sitting on the kitchen table. It was our bad … but in our defense, she can't even make it into the back of the car on her own, so … anyhow, we're putting down a rather large plastic painting tarp this evening in the hopes that if she gets sick… well you get the idea. I hope she's OK. Ugh.

The Princess Bride

Very few media items would ever get an entire post devoted to them, but The Princess Bride is truly worthy. It's a movie of the finest caliber. And I'm not talking Oscar Contender. It's a classic … loved by all. You can check out its page in the media section to see what its about … I won't go into it.

The reason I'm posting about this is that I needed something new for my MOTD … it was blank and I wanted movie quotes. So I ran into a bunch from The Princess Bride, which got me thinking …

When I first saw this movie, I was probably about 8 or 9. I watched it with my family in our living room and I remember laughing like crazy. I hadn't really wanted to see it because I was a tomboy and it was called The Princess Bride, for goodness sakes. But watch it I did and of course, I loved it. It's one of the family faves. A movie my sister and I quote to each other. And it's got a lot of good quotes (if you're a daily reader, you'll find some as my MOTDs for a while). But that first time isn't my favorite time that I've seen it. When we were in our sophomore year of college, they decided to actually let the students pick what movies they'd show at the campus theatre (usually it's a bunch of artsy stuff) and Princess Bride was picked. I had to go see it. And I had to take Matt with me. He too was skeptical of a movie called The Princess Bride. But I convinced him he had to go. It was a Saturday night at midnight (so I guess, technically, it was Sunday morning). All of the frat parties were winding down and a ton of drunk college kids filled the small theatre. I don't think there was a seat to spare.

The movie began … and it was one of those great theatre-going experiences. Everyone laughed at all the right parts. People were all saying the famous lines together … “Anybody want a peanut?” I've rarely heard Matt laugh so hard. A really really fun evening.

So … If you haven't seen this movie. Correct that situation immediately.

Sick Computer

My computer has been sick. It's been going on for quite a while and now htey really think they've got it figured out. They think it was just a bum memory chip. The nice fellow from Dell came over and replaced it this morning along with the power cable that was fraying and the clip that keeps the battery in which had disappeared. So now it's running with full memory again … thank goodness.

There's a 7 AM Now??

Matt got me up daaaaamn early this morning so I could have breakfast with him.

Here's what I don't like:
Getting up daaaamn early.

Here's what I like:
Having brekkie with Matt

I am now annoyed with myself because I forgot to take a picture of Matt in his new glasses and now he's off at work and I only get that small window of time when he's actually home to remember to take a picture.

Sleepy sleepy sleepy. Feet cold. I have come to the following conclusion. Miranda is not the Sex and the City girl who I would want around in a crisis. I think I'd take Charlotte. Carrie's too self-absorbed.