A New Friend

Tabby and Loki have definitely always shown some interest in each other, but lately, since Tabby has had improved motor control, she takes every opportunity she has to give him a pat. Some of these pats are quite gentle … she seems to be feeling his fur (she has a thing for textures), but others are rather … vigorous. Loki is always very gentle with her, and with all little ones. And he seems to understand that they can take more as they get older. He can be running around like a crackhound and you'd swear you should move the kid before he runs him over, but he always goes around the little ones. But he does get something in return … lots of licked up leftovers.

Oh yea, and despite myriad evidence to the contrary, we do usually have Tabby in clothes. Continue reading “A New Friend”

Tabby: Jump! Mommy & Daddy: How high, darling?

Our little one has been going through some adjustment. She's been a bit fussier. And this reached a head last night when she screamed her little head off from midnight on (nothing would console her for more than a couple of minutes), until we finally convinced ourselves that there must be something wrong and took her to the ER.

Of course she fell asleep on the way there and made complete liars out of us within a couple of hours, doing a complete 180 and cooing and smiling at all of the doctors. Now we're laboring under the assumption that it's merely “gas” or “a GI issue” that's either resolved or getting resolved, possibly combined with a little cold she caught this week. I've never been so anxious to see a poopy diaper in all my life. We're just hoping tonight goes a lot better.

On Solid Ground

Guess what Miss Tabby did for the first time on Friday. Yup … solid food (well sort of mushy, but you know what I mean). The doc had advised that we start her between 4 and 6 months and we hit the mark almost right down the middle.

She's been sort of interested in our food for a while now, but I didn't really see the need to complicate life with solid foods, not to mention, the stuff about food allergies they tell you about, but I told myself that if I saw a good reason for her to start solids, we would. Well last week, after sleeping through the night for over 2 months, she stopped. And she was waking up HUNGRY. Obviously, her last bottle at 7:30 or 8, wasn't holding her 'til 4 or 5 anymore. So we got her some lovely organic rice cereal and we're starting out with that. After that I get to start making some of the recipes from the books I've got.

As for Miss Tabby, she's enjoying her solids and sleeping through the night again.

How We Spent Our Weekend

We had a weird sort of weekend. One of those where nothing goes as planned, but hey that's life. Especially with a baby.

Friday night we had a lovely time. We went to dinner and then headed to the drive in to see Ratatouille and Harry Potter #5. It's so hard for me to judge the HP movies on their own merits that I can't really tell you if I liked it or not. But I can tell you that I thought Ratatouille was awesome. I did sleep through part of it though, but only because I was totally exhausted … not because it wasn't great!!

Saturday we got up around 8 and fed Miss Tabby. Then we went back to sleep for an hour or so. When we woke up at 10, we could tell something wasn't quite right. Our little angel had turned very fussy and was warm. She tends to feel a bit warm right after she's woken up, so we put it off to that, but it didn't go away. We temped her and got 100.5 and 101.5 in succession. Off to the doc's we went. Continue reading “How We Spent Our Weekend”

Explosion of Activity

It seems as though her four-month checkup spurred some kind of “firsts” explosion. When we took her in on Friday, we were telling the doc that she hasn't rolled over yet. The doc said “she will soon enough, she's showing signs of it right now.” She was too, doing her darndest to disprove us right then and there. She also caught up the tongue depressor the doc had lying on the table and proceeded to pass it back and forth between her little hands, something we hadn't really noted her doing before. And that very night, she reached her goal and rolled herself from back to tummy just as she was drifting off to sleep. She wasn't a bit pleased about it either and fussed until we got over our amazment and turned her back over. Continue reading “Explosion of Activity”

Three Wonderful Months

Was there a world before she existed? Hard to believe sometimes and yet I can't believe she's already three months old!

She's growing up before our very eyes. Her head is held steady and she's working real hard on sitting up. The outdoors is her favorite place. It calms her when she needs to be calm and delights her when she's happy. And she is happy a lot. So much so that it's almost a surprise when she cries. And she has found a very amusing alternative to crying which we call “baby bitching” or “kvetching.” Basically she babbles on in a very POed tone in baby talk. It sounds like she's voicing her displeasure and listing all the things that are wrong. It's very funny. “Talking” is another thing she does a lot of. She's been vocal since birth, but her grunts have now turned into babytalk and we could spend hours listening to her and talking with her.

Besides the wonderful gift of her presence that she has given us, she is also letting us get a fairly good amount of sleep. She has slept through the night a few times now and rarely wakes more than once.

By day she is very interested in her world and stares in rapt attention at her Baby Einstein DVDs or whatever we're doing on the computer. She is also a big fan of her swing.

We count her as a blessing every day and are so thrilled to see what comes next.

So So Busy!

I have loved all of this travel, but it has left me absolutely exhausted and overwhelmed and … behind. There are just not enough hours in the day to accomplish what I need to accomplish, let alone what I want to accomplish. As usual, the time is getting deducted directly from the sleep column. The good news is that Miss Tabitha has decided to go to sleep earlier and get up just once to have a bite to eat (frequently with her father). So I am getting my 6 hours of sleep pretty much uninterrupted, which is nice!

I am hopeful that with our nice long 3-day weekend we'll be able to get a bit ahead on the to-do list and our yard won't look like a jungle anymore. Continue reading “So So Busy!”

Tabby's Nose

Yesterday, I discovered something to make Miss Tabby smile pretty consistently … a little game I like to call Tabby's Nose. I point to my nose and say “Mommy's Nose” and then I point to her nose and say “Tabby's Nose.” I do this with mutliple body parts, but she grins the most when I do her nose. That left-most photo is of her just after I've played this game with her (more photos here). I've got no idea why this amuses her so much, but it does and I could play it for hours with her … I love to see her smile. Continue reading “Tabby's Nose”

Back to Reality

Well as you might be able to guess from this photo, today was my first day back at work. I actually didn't spend too much time in the office – just went in to get a few files and then went on site to do some organizing. Tabby spent the morning with me and Matt came to get her around 11 so she got to spend the afternoon with him.

Now I'm at home, getting a little work done and snuggling Miss Tabby. I missed her big!! Now I'm looking forward to a nice quiet evening before another day of work tomorrow (Auntie Kelly is watching Ms. Tabby). Matt's mom and sister are arriving tomorrow to stay the weekend. Busy Busy.