Neither of my kids is much for separation anxiety. I took Tabby to her sitter's for the first time when she was around 2 months old and she was there full time from about 3 months on. They have both stayed overnight with my parents, starting around 6 months. We have had moments here and there. Tabby would occasionally take a notion when we dropped her off at her sitter's house in the morning and cry when we tried to leave, but she was always over it as soon as we left. And one time, she didn't want to stay overnight at Grammy and Papa's. I think this was just before Ben was born. There was a similar incident when she stayed with them for a few days right after she was born.
I've never seen any of this from Ben and it's been a long time for Tabby (over a year?). For the most part, we are unceremoniously shoved out the door with subtle or not so subtle hints. “Bye Mommy and Daddy” or “You need to go now so we can play!”
And then there was this morning. I was getting out of the shower (running late) when Tabby walked into the bathroom and greeted me good morning. As I dried off and got dressed, we chatted. I gave her hugs and kisses and she seemed in a pretty good mood (even if she was up a bit too early). Then she asked me if I was going to take her to her sitter's house.
I told her that I wasn't. Daddy would take her as usual and I would head off to work. I expected her to be like she always is, unperturbed by these things. Instead, her little face clouded over and she wailed, “I want YOU to take me to Stephanie's!!” She immediately burst into tears.
I gathered her up and snuggled her and asked her what the matter was. Matt almost always takes her to the sitters. It allows me to get into work early so I can work my 4 10s and have Fridays off with her and Ben. She reiterated her desire that I should take her to Stephanie's. Then she said the killer, “I want you. You are always at work!” Yikes … right through the heart.
Logically I know that if I had taken her to her sitter's, she probably would have rushed in and not even given me a backwards glance. I know that she probably woke up way too early and was overtired and also a bit thrown by the fact that I took her all last week when Matt was out of town. I know that I work for many good, logical and well-thought-out reasons. But man, that is rough to hear.