Stick It!

As a part of this weekends many activities, we went to see Stick It, which I honestly expected to be the gymnastics equivalent of Bring it On. But rather than a tired us vs. them plotline, this had a much more interesting plotline concerning the rigid rules of sports like gymnastics. Group that with some great one-liners, a fun sound-track, and some of the coolest art direction and camera work in a while, and you have a pretty darn good movie.

If you're not looking for anything too deep, check it out. Most enjoyable.

Summa Time Summa Time …

As part of Matty's birthday, we had a bit of a TV viewing marathon … we watched the last two eps of Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls each. Veronica Mars had a good conclusion to the plot-line at hand, but then raise a huge number of additional questions in the last few minutes of the show … a preview for next year. I can't wait. Gilmore Girls was more disappointing, with them messing up the whole Lorelai/Luke thing again, which feels incredibly fake to me and is starting to really get on my nerves. The writers seem scared of what to do with them once they're married and keep putting it off, but they really need to take the plunge. The show really dipped when they kept having Rory and Lorelai back together in Stars Hollow after she went to Yale and really improved when they embraced her being at Yale and developed plot lines on that front. I'm just saying …

I love the lack of TV in the summer, but I'm always anxious to see my old faves in the fall.

Friday! Yay!!

I'm in an annoyingly good mood today. Friday has a way of doing that to me. I don't have very exciting plans for the weekend, unless you count sleeping in. We're planning to make some good food and get some stuff done around the house. The rain was supposed to let up tomorrow, but now they're saying Sunday.. so I guess it's more gym time for us. I am a fair-weather mountain biker and Matt is on call all weekend. He can never be more than like 20 minutes away from his computer. Blah. I've been wanting to take Pilates and/or Kick-Boxing again. Hiiiiii-ya!

I bought two cheap magazines today: Cookie and Fitness. They both look cool and, as I said, they were cheap. Rubber-Sol had the scoop on that. My magazine obsession grows. Got my first issue of Blueprint (not sure that obnoxiously long link will work, but whatever .. it's the one from Martha Stewart … you can find it.) yesterday. But I haven't gotten around to reading it yet … soon soon.

Did you notice I'm a little hyper? Obnoxious in anyone before 8 AM.

Summer Plans

I'm starting to get a little antsy, because they still haven't listed a schedule for my beloved Film on the Rocks. I am scared to death they'll cancel it or something awful.

Meanwhile, I've been looking at summer concerts. Radiohead is touring, but they're thoughtlessly skipping our fair state. I thought I'd hit the jackpot when I saw that BNL is going to be at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival (pictured left). Sadly, the festival occurs while we will be out of town for a certain wedding. Guster is touring this summer, following the release of their brand-spanking new album, but it doesn't look like they'll be crossing the Mississippi. Maybe someone should tell them there are bridges now. We were hopeful that some of Matt's training in Wisconsin would coincide with Summerfest, but that was not to be either, which is extra sad, because they have some amazing bands headed to Dairyland, including Guster, I notice.

I guess I'm doomed to hang out in front of my TV all summer watching VH1.

Rainy Rainy Friday

I love rain. Probably because in this desert state, we don't get tons of it. I have a whole playlist on my MP3 player dedicated to rainy days (or blah days).

Some songs from it:
* Jack Johnson – Banana Pancakes
* Sam Phillips – I Don't Know How to Say Goodbye to You
* John Lennon – Oh My Love
* Fountains of Wayne – Winter Valley Song
* Brian Wilson – Love and Mercy
* The Shins – New Slang
* Beatles – Hey Jude
* Bic Runga – Sway
* Big Head Todd & the Monsters – Good Intentions
* Cat Stevens – The Wind Continue reading “Rainy Rainy Friday”

Via Podcast

As I may have mentioned before, I have a couple of podcasts that I greatly enjoy listening to. There is rarely a week when I don't catch up on the latest net happenings with Diggnation, TWiT and Engadget and I always look forward to another episode of CraftyPod with Sister Diane. I hear about cool things going on in our world that I might not otherwise know about and get a slightly different take on things. So I thought I'd share a couple of the cool things podcasting has brought to me. Continue reading “Via Podcast”

Now Showing

So yesterday, I was playing with my Netflix account and I noticed that they have RSS feeds that detail what's in your queue, what you've just returned, what you've got out, and your recommendations. Nerd that I am, it took me about 30 minutes to deconstruct the feed and add a cool little “What I've got from Netflix right now” feature to the right side of our media page.

As you may notice, we just finished watching Brokeback. I must admit… I wasn't a huge fan of it. I thought some of the acting was good, while other bigs seemed poor. I kind of thought it was depressing without making me think a whole lot and just kind of your typical unrequited love story. Blah. The scenery (and I'm talking about the trees, not the boys) was pretty amazing.

AbFab, on the other hand, was hilarious! All four eps were great, but my fave was Edwina and Saffie in Paris having a Edwina and Patsy sort of day, culminating with a little flashing at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Classic!!! They almost make me wish I liked champagne.


Well Veronica Mars was excellent last night. The seasonal mystery plot arc is really starting to shape up. Such a good show!

Anyhoo, it occurred to me recently, that I haven't really been watching movies. Even most of the things on my Netflix Q are TV shows. I've really gotten out of the habit of going to movies and I need to get back into it, especially since we live about 20 min from the $3 theatre. So I've resolved to try some movies … including this one. The 40-yr old Virgin. My mom and sis saw it and loved it. I've also got Spirited Away and Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit. Anyone else have any movie suggestions (especially things on DVD) ?

This 'n' That

It's been all over the net, so you probably have seen this by now, but there's a live-action Simpsons opening sequence circulating the net. Apparently, a British cable TV station is using this for a promo as they introduce season 17 (or series 17 as they say in Britain) to their viewers. It's pretty darned neat.

What else? Oh. I got a new alarm clock at Costco yesterday. It's nothing real special, execpt that the time was pre-set at the factory and I just set my time zone. Wonder what happens when the power goes off. Well it does have some over-ride buttons. Best, though, it has an in for my MP3 player. This will save on some serious ear chafing during nap time. Continue reading “This 'n' That”

Open for Business

Well, I ended up convalesced over the weekend, so I really did very little of interest or value. I listened to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on my MP3 player (damn, that's a good book… I'd forgotten how good) and slept a lot. And my sweetie picked me up the latest Sims 2 expansion pack, which I played ad nauseum all weekend. This expansion added a bit in the way of objects, but tons on the way of game-play. It allows you to add excellent new interactions to sims who have worked their way up the entrepreneurial food chain. There's also some good new architectural stuff, including half-levels and elevators … Continue reading “Open for Business”