Labor of Love

I'm pleased to present to you Matt's first finished product for little one's room … one end table. This beauty is constructed of beech and has no hardware visible from the outside (really the number of screws in it, period, are less than two-handfuls). Hours and hours of work are represented in this piece and it was truly a labor of love from daddy to daughter.

Pink Overload!

We had a nice weekend as usual. On Saturday, we had the first baby shower for little miss (she's having another next Saturday), given by our good friends Mike & Holly. It was a really fun, casual co-ed affair where all our friends spoiled our little one and us shamelessly. Matt's step mom, Sherrie, even braved our cruddy weather and flew in from TN to celebrate with us.

As I mentioned, little miss got a ton of great gifts. She has tons of awesome clothes … lots of pink and some purple and green and yellow too and some great stuffed animals and we've got lots of practical things for her care and up-keep. Everyone was so generous. We're very lucky to have such awesome people in our lives!!

Trite Title, but TGIF

I won't lie … it was a long week for me kids. We've been so busy with life that I've hardly spent any time at home that wasn't dedicated to sleep. But it was a good week. We went to our second childbirth class on Tuesday. We got more in-depth into the whole process and some relaxation techniques. I think we both found it pretty interesting. In case you're interested, I plan to go into the whole thing with an open mind … if it gets too darned painful, I'm all about the meds, but if I can do it without … so much the better. I don't really feel like I can make a choice until I've experienced it. Wednesday, we went on a tour of the hospital. It's a pretty new facility (less than 2 yrs old, prolly) and they have a lot of nice stuff available for L&D and recovery. We also went over myriad policies and filled out loads of forms. So I guess we're almost ready to go!

Today I'm taking most of the day off from work (save about 1 hour when I need to be there to set up a meeting). I have lots of little things that I need to get done that just won't happen unless I make 'em happen. I am going to *finally* get my hair cut. It's reached that long stage which on me means stringy and unmanageable. I also want to take my car in for a nice car-wash. We've got a place here that does hand-washing and vacuuming for like $12 and considering what you pay at a gas station it's downright reasonable (but considering it's supposed to snow AGAIN tomorrow, I don't know if I will go through with it). Then I've got to get home and get it put together and get some laundry done. All our Christmas stuff is still up and it just needs … attention. Some laundry must be done as well. Continue reading “Trite Title, but TGIF”

Frozen Assets

In preparation for little one's arrival, Matt and I have been making double batches of our dinners and freezing half (or more) so that we'll have some eatables in the fridge when we're busy with the absorbing task of caring for a newborn. So far we've made:

– baked ziti
clam chowder
mexican chicken casserole
BBQ chicken & black bean burritos
– maybe I'm forgetting one other??

Are there any dishes that you guys make that you know freeze well? Our freezer's getting progressively fuller, but we've still got a ways to go and I'm almost tapped out.

PS. We recently made Jenn's recipe for Rootbeer Sorbet. And it's AWESOME.

Preparations Gliding Along

As we hit 34 weeks, things are gliding along in the nursery … literally. Mom and I spent most of Saturday recovering the hand-me-down glider that Holly gave me in the cute fabric you see above. It's called “Hula-Hoops” but it reminds me of Froot Loops too. Neither of us are real seasoned pros at this, so we were very pleasantly surprised by the results we got which are amazingly good. And of course we had fun doing it together.

On Friday we received a gift from a college friend … a little green Vandy onesie, Vandy receiving blanket and Vandy baby bottle. Absolutely darling stuff.

And Matt spent most of his weekend in his shop, working on the end table. It's getting very close and we're both anxious to see it complete.

Birthin' Babies

We went to our first childbirth class last night and despite promises from the books and friends, there was no “miracle of life” footage in the film we were shown. Shucks. Anyhoo … the class has 10 couples in it and apparently, we are a bit behind because we're the earliest due date by quite a bit. Of all the couples, six are having girls, two boys and two don't know. Which I find interesting.

In other baby-related goings-on, little miss has been making excellent strides in her quest to annex my abdominal cavity in its entirety. Breathing has become quite challenging. I can't believe how close it's getting!

Productive Weekend!

Yes yes, another weekend shot. How do they go by so darned fast. Here it continued to be very cold, but that probably helped us out since we had loads to do at home.

Friday was loads of errands to prepare for the weekend and a trip out to the industrial suburb of Denver (Commerce City) to pick up the dresser that Matt's dad and stepmom bought for the nursery. That is an interesting story in and of itself, but perhaps a different time. We had to wait until the next morning to see it in the room since I am presently useless at lifting heavy things. It is absolutely perfect in there and we're really excited to see the nursery shaping up so well!! Continue reading “Productive Weekend!”

Christmas Wrap-Up

Hope everyone had as nice a Christmas as we did! As you might imagine, the last couple of days leading up to the big event were pretty crazy, especially around shopping malls. Matt and I avoided them as much as possible and faired pretty well.

As is tradition, we spent Christmas Eve with my parents, wrapping gifts, baking cookies and eating tamales and guacamole and getting punchy as the night wears on. We were quite surprised, however, to find that at 10 PM we had all gifts wrapped. So we watched some of A Christmas Story and headed to bed.

As usual, we all spoiled each other and Matt and I received many lovely gifts. Little one received her fair share of gifts as well and suffice to say she'll be a well-dressed baby. But of course the best part was getting to be together with family … and sharing good laughs.

And we received the best gift of all on Friday. We had our visit with the perinatologist and it looks like it was our last. He cleared us for landing, so to speak. Little one is head down and measuring in at 3.1 lbs (approx 50th percentile) with good amniotic fluid. Yay!

Lazy Bones

So wanna hear weird? I'm no longer just sleeping poorly. I'm dreaming about sleeping poorly. Yea. It is a bit weird. After said dream, I woke up with some absolutely awful shoulder pain. It's pretty much gone away.

Anyhoo, excellent weekend. We did next to nothing and it was wonderful. We had such a busy week last week (I don't think I got to bed before 10:30 … way late for me since I get up before 6 AM every work day) that we really really needed it. And that's just what we got. We played loads of video games … did some laundry … cleaned up (rather half-heartedly) around the house. We did go out on Sat night to have dinner with Mom & Kelly and see Charlotte's Web which was quite good.

We also wrapped a few gifts … including some doggie toys. We should really have thought ahead before we did this, though, because we did this with Loki around and he saw and smelled and heared the toys and he was very indignant that none of them were tossed his direction. Of course a couple are for him, but he'll have to wait to open them on Christmas morning. They're sitting on a shelf near our tree so he doesn't take his interest in them too far.